Thinking about changing nutrients. Has anyone tried MBFERT?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about changing nutrient brands. I'm doing UCDWC using Canna now and really like them but as most of you know they are expensive. I would like to move towards being able to mix my own using bulk nutrients. Has anyone used/ have experience with this company?
MBFERTS Wholesale Hydroponic Equipmet and Bulk Plant Food Fertilizer Dealer
I've seen ones where all you need to add is calcium nitrate. More convenient than actually buying all ingredients separately. I don't have a brand name or anything, I got a big bag of it once from a greenhouse supply store. To make it even more convenient, I now just use General Hydroponics MaxiGro powdered complete nutes. Under $20 for a 1 kg bag. Mixes very well and says it has a pH buffer in it. It's a good balanced 10-5-14. I use it for all stages. I don't like the excessive phosphorus in the bloom mix.
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mb grow did not work for me at all. not sure if it was weak or locking things out but Ill use it on the lawn. PPm was low, but I put a big ass bag of salt to make each gal of solution.
mb grow did not work for me at all. not sure if it was weak or locking things out but Ill use it on the lawn. PPm was low, but I put a big ass bag of salt to make each gal of solution.
Well I just started using it actually so can't really review it yet. I just use a ppm meter and put enough in that it goes to about 1000.
Thanks Backtracker, how long have you been using this and what has your experience with this line been like? Feeding schedule if you would be so kind?
I've used them for years I use kelp4less for single ingredients and SS makes mixe . everyone grows differently so you have to figure out what works for you. there are no magic potions so if you give the plants what they need at the right time and start with killer soil they do wonders.
I see most of the kelp 4 less nutes are not available in Cali. Anyone know why?
This is why