thinking about fractals high.


I was just sitting here all blazed out thinking about how any one section of a fractal is a exact smaller copy of the larger object. Each macro scale level being the exact same, but on a smaller level. Holograms are made this way. Each dot of a hologram is in fact an entire picture of the entire hologram, all making up the larger picture.

This can be zoomed in to as many times as you want and you will always find more of the same.

Then I wondered, is our universe like this?

An endless sea of perspective merging in to itself constantly?

Or is it something so abstract our minds cannot even comprehend it?


Well-Known Member
that's trippy shit.

Every time I get high, I get this thought about how maybe humans transcend their bodies, and in reality only exists as souls (for lack of a better word) and that every instant of our experience is just a different universe/moment, and the soul, which in reality is the only part of us that truly exists, just travels through these moments constantly.

Also, when we die, we only die to the people around us, because our soul is perpetual. It's like - in the universe where our body died, to the inhabitants there, we're gone, but we still exist, we still live, and since we're not actually conscious of it when we switch universes, you'll never actually feel yourself die, because you don't. Death only exists for those who see us "die" because our essence lives on and keeps moving through the moments/universes.

Idk if I really believe that but I think about that shit a lot.


Active Member
Or is it something so abstract our minds cannot even comprehend it?
As a kid I used to think of the universe as having an edge resembling that of a roll of film. With the little square holes running up the side. But now I see it more like the abstract mass you so eloquently describe it as, Mycology. PROPS! See you OUT there:D


Well-Known Member
that's trippy shit.

Every time I get high, I get this thought about how maybe humans transcend their bodies, and in reality only exists as souls (for lack of a better word) and that every instant of our experience is just a different universe/moment, and the soul, which in reality is the only part of us that truly exists, just travels through these moments constantly.

Also, when we die, we only die to the people around us, because our soul is perpetual. It's like - in the universe where our body died, to the inhabitants there, we're gone, but we still exist, we still live, and since we're not actually conscious of it when we switch universes, you'll never actually feel yourself die, because you don't. Death only exists for those who see us "die" because our essence lives on and keeps moving through the moments/universes.

Idk if I really believe that but I think about that shit a lot.

I actually took my time to read thhis. touching brother.. i think about it all the time.. life is fucked up..


Well-Known Member
Yep, according to my studies, much of those under the influence, that is exactly yhe neture of everything, and by that I mean EVERYTHING, the multiverse and time itself seems to be a fractaly repetitive pattern.


Active Member
Man, all I do is get so ripped that fractals are the farthest thing from my mind... perhaps I get introspective and wonder if the 20th centruy will be remebered as the dark ages of cannabis... if you look at whatthe churhes did in the middle ages with books and literacy and compare that to governments and cannabis this last century, the parallels are very erie... only whne the people took control was there a mass change.... kindalike the med mj movement in North america.... HMMM:wall::leaf: