Illegal Smile
Here, check out this line from the DWC club, totally uncool.
Which brings me to the second rule. DWC = Deep Water Culture. Point being. Our plants roots live and grow submerged in water. There are no other needs for any extra attachements and gadgets such as aero and drip. Every true secret DWC grower knows they can manipulate these systems to mimmick all the styles inside there reservoirs. Which brings me to the second rule of DWC club.
Drip rarely only tastes good when its leaving the sinus cavity.
Rarely does it do any good in our systems.There are other threads dedicated to this. Find one. U may share ur grows with the DWC growers but not become a member. U will be left on the porch like the fat dude with the tig bitties.
I can only think of 2 rules right now. BWAHAHA lmao.
Without futher adue. DWC GROW CLUB!
Well, that doesn't sound very friendly to me.
I know you're new here but you may as well tell football fans not to trash talk about each other's teams. It's part of the culture. Go on over to the DWC Grow Club thread and tell them they are uncool. Invite them over here to settle it once and for all!
ps Don't forget tastes great vs less filling