Thinking about going from soil to hydro. Would like some ideas please


Well-Known Member
After a few years of soil I would like to finally see what the hydro thing is all about.

I have a perpetual grow going with a 6 x 4 veg room and a 5 x 10 flower room. I do 24 plants at a time and would like to keep it that way.

I usually veg my girls for 4 1/2 weeks and once they are ready they go right into the flower room which finishes up a few days before.

What would be a good setup for 24 plants to veg for a few weeks then transfer to flower? I'm used to the soil stuff so I just transplant from one pot to another.

How do you guys deal with transplanting in water? Do you just pick it up from where it is growing and drop it into another bucket?

I've looked around at a few systems and I really like the large bucket system. I've seen a few 12 bucket systems that are pretty damn good but this system would only be good for flowering for me. I would need a good system for the veg part too.

Any ideas for a hydro beginner? I already have everything I need but the hydro systems and all the stuff that's needed for hydro.


Well-Known Member
Id say take a look at the how to harvest a pound every three weeks. You could use just the set up and make it accommodate how ever many plants you want. Its a 9 week cycle with a cloner, vegger, and 3 flowering systems all made out of the same pvc, pump, and jets. cheap and effective it seems.

I have all the stuff for it as well just waiting on some more space. Just an idea though.


Active Member
i agree with the above poster. I love this setup, but going from dirt myself, ive gotten lazy and sometimes go 2 days without even checking PPM/PH.

check out the harvest a pound every 3 weeks setup, it can be modded any way, also I just posted my pics and video of the exact setup in the thread "my stinkbud video". BTW, I am also a hydro-beginner. Before this setup, I just had 1 dirt grow, and a single plant throw-away grow before that (5 inch node spacing, true story lol)


Active Member
I was growing in dirt last year but have now switched to hydro. I am really pretty happy. My veg room is 10x5. I have an ebb n flow table on a stand with 18 1 gallon hydro pots which I drilled holes in the side of to put a drip feeding tube for top feeding. I am using clay pellets which are great for recycled use but a bit of a chore to clean. I have a 20 gallon reservoir under the table and the water is pumped up and out to plants and drains into table and back to reservoir. I have a 8 bulb T-5 over my vegging plants 18 hrs on 6 off. In the bud room which is approx. 10x8 I have the ebb n grow 12 pot system. I have extended it by 6 pots for a total of 18. I keep 18 plants under 2 1000 watt hps lights. I put the first 9 in and 4 weeks later the next. The issue with this is that increasing the bloom nutes in the late stage of first 9 while the next nine newbies aren't ready for that yet. Also how to flush before harvest. I don't have all the bugs worked out, but I feel really good about whats happening so far. Ummm what else? oh, I have co2 in the room and so far I can tell that I am going to yield more than my dirt grows and have danker bud when i am done. It is already so sticky. oh, also, the watering can be touchy. With hydro, the signs of stress show really quick because there is not the buffer the dirt provides. The adjustments have to be really minor, than you wait and see. I hope this helps. I never know if I should answer these or if it is confusing to try to explain in mail. Plus I am a girl and not very technical, have a green thumb though and a sweet devoted love for the herb.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Sadie, that was a great post. You explained it just fine. You must have read what I wrote because we seem to have similar setups. Would it be ok to PM you and ask a few questions or would you rather we talk right here in this thread?

I like the idea that you went with 9 plants under each 1000. Tells me you must have nice bushes because that is plenty of space. I am highly interested in the way you setup your system because that is the way I want to go. I could easily cut down to 18 plants if it produced the same yield I get from the 24.

I would want to switch all 18 into flower at once tho. Let me know if you'd rather talk here or pm's. Thanks