Thinking about Growing


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:Hey everyone. today is my first day on the site and I have been tosing the idea in my head alot. I live in N Louisiana and the daily avg. right now is about 90F very high Hum. (like 85-93%) so I live on 20 acres of heavy wooded area in the middle of no where. What do yall think? and What do I need to get started for outdoor growing?. . .I have no idea what i'm doing. but i have access to all the free seeds I could handle. So Input plz?:confused:

wow,i didint expect a responce already. are there any certain things i need or just germ. in damp paper towel then let them sprout in little pots. Then head out to middle of woods into a well lighted spot and plant?? do i need any kind of chem.? or anything special? how often do i water?
wow,i didint expect a responce already. are there any certain things i need or just germ. in damp paper towel then let them sprout in little pots. Then head out to middle of woods into a well lighted spot and plant?? do i need any kind of chem.? or anything special? how often do i water?

okay..first make sure u dont let ANYONE see you carrying them backthere..
put some seeds in a moist paper towel..then in a plastic baggy..wait bout 3 days...get sum good soil and one gallon pots...plant ur sprouted seeds..water them afterwards...dont forget to water everyday and not too mmcuh or u will kill them before they even grow. put them in a place where the sun beams and no animals can get to them..
:mrgreen:Hey everyone. today is my first day on the site and I have been tosing the idea in my head alot. I live in N Louisiana and the daily avg. right now is about 90F very high Hum. (like 85-93%) so I live on 20 acres of heavy wooded area in the middle of no where. What do yall think? and What do I need to get started for outdoor growing?. . .I have no idea what i'm doing. but i have access to all the free seeds I could handle. So Input plz?:confused:


its too late to start outdoor growing now since the seasons are changing, but what you can do for next spring is invest in some good promix, if you click on GrowFAQ at the top bar it should tell you what you need to know
its too late to start outdoor growing now since the seasons are changing, but what you can do for next spring is invest in some good promix, if you click on GrowFAQ at the top bar it should tell you what you need to know

other thing i forgot...ya gotta wait till next feb..
well I dunno if i'm go ahead and start now because i'm sweating on x-mas day. it stays hot. i still live with the rents so I don have the option of growing inside or i would in a heart beat. i work at an office suppy store so i have access to alot of tech. i can use towards this.
If you have access to some quick flowering plants I'd say go for it. it really could not hurt. I'd say start them inside under a shop light for 2 weeks then put them outside and they'll start to flower pretty quick. If you have good weather until mid to late Dec I think you could do it. You'll probably need to make a cold frame greenhouse but that is really easy.
fuck it cut down a big area probs 20m x 20m and dig out all the shit soil lay some alright soil down then chuck a few garbage bags down and put some good shit in there plant you seeds and regulaly visit
hope for the best
"the more you plant the more you smoke"
fuck it cut down a big area probs 20m x 20m and dig out all the shit soil lay some alright soil down then chuck a few garbage bags down and put some good shit in there plant you seeds and regulaly visit
hope for the best
"the more you plant the more you smoke"

garbage bags kill plants if you grow in them
there are "growbags" available that are similar and dont kill the plant

if you really dont think its too late, then its atleast worth a try
just do like other people said and germinate a bunch of seeds, then sprout em in plastic cups or some kind of tray.
depending on your soil quality, you might be able to plant in the ground, or get some big pots and good dirt to grow in if your dirt sucks.

then all you gota do is water em and put em in bigger pots as the root systems get larger

dont worry about nutrients or anything, organic is the way to go for your first grow.
Dude, forget it. You know where I live, and all my Babies are doing well, but flowering out at 1 ft. tall, due to lack of enough sunlight. By the time you germed them, moved them to absolute full sun, they will get "et" by grasshoppers & cut worms. They need to be fairly sturdy for the great outdoors,.. by then, it will be too late. It will be 90 here today, but there isn't enough sunlight per day to veg them. Sorry. A lot of us is doing our homework for the 09 season. Preparing to drop at least $500 bucks for the prep. Be patient. What this site offers is so very cool people, and offers not just a meal of fish, but how to fish... and that's the fun part. By Spring, tell us how to clone, re veg, why use whole ground cornmeal, greensand, Epsom salt, liquid seaweed, etc. That's your mission, only 7 months. This time next year, your pics should be awesome!!
I been thinkin about it for a min, but just neva did da reserach on growing it. Now that I smoke it on a daily bases, I really do want to try and grow it.