Thinking about marrying a fatty

fat girls need love too..I should know, I used to be one a long time ago

and guess what? I love to cook, go fishing, drink beer, grow pot AND have a serious cleaning bug

( just ask @cat of curiosity... fat girls ROCK!!! :mrgreen:;) )
u tell em rosie....nutting wrong with a few extra pounds. Ever seen Marilyn Monroe in a bikini? She wouldn't be a movie star today I can tell you.
I ploughed a fatty once, charity case, she was such a nice person in the morning and what a breakfast, no item was left out of the FEB, included fried bread and hash browns, organic lamb sausages and fried eggs, baked beans black
Pudding, white pudding, bacon, streaky and back bacon, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, she went too far, too keen
Not sure what you're calling a fatty, but a real woman has curves. You can keep them pipe cleaner, skinny chicks. Why the hell would I want a bag of bones? Of course I live in the north where the snow flies. Need that extra body heat.

"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you."

Speaking of which, I should be looking. Almost fall, lol.
sounds like my ex,she was a fine girl,she'd change my tire,chop a little wood for the fire,her head was kind of flat but her hair covered that,there was no job she could not handle.
Fat girls are like mopeds: they're fun to ride, but you don't want your friends to catch you on one...

Bit like a moped, you all wanna have fun riding it but you don't want any of your mates to see you on it!

Beat you to it, LaHottiewithaNaughtyBody. My post was on the first page, next time don't be so lazy and read the thread first ;)
I know you take great care of yourself but I think you'd be beautiful no matter how much you weighed.:oops:
Jeeeebus! Have you seen me? (Standing sideways?)I had a tooth fixed beginning of July, it was a 50/50 as to whether the root would settle. I had 5-6 weeks of pain and couldn't eat without ibuprofen, then it just went !! So the moral of the story is, chance it! Don't do root canal is possible. Think I'll go and eat now!

Lose weight getting your teeth fixed- ironic isn't it? :confused: