Thinking of giving my daughter dreads? have dreads?

If I said a cross between Worzel Gummage and Aunt Sally, could you picture me?

Yes it's a bit wild underneath as its half curly. Just been battling it in the shower and I give up, haircut tomorrow!

I'm not supposed to have dreads, no. I once did a 30M deep dive and came up with a dread lock the size of a small mouse and we had to cut it off with the dive boat knife in the kitchen! I was going to make it into a key ring and then I thought not!
If I said a cross between Worzel Gummage and Aunt Sally, could you picture me?

Yes it's a bit wild underneath as its half curly. Just been battling it in the shower and I give up, haircut tomorrow!

I'm not supposed to have dreads, no. I once did a 30M deep dive and came up with a dread lock the size of a small mouse and we had to cut it off with the dive boat knife in the kitchen! I was going to make it into a key ring and then I thought not!
You are so fucking hot. Hair cuts with knives....

We really should elope.
Seems as though we're split on the decision here. I tried showing my daughter pictures of dreads on the Google to get her opinion but she just kept stealing my phone to watch YouTube videos. She is only 2 so I probably shouldn't take her opinion too seriously.
Yes they are undoubtedly are. I still can't get the picture of @Mad Hamish 's lovely wife out of my mind when we discuss dreads. LOL she was so pretty.
Why yes, ma'am she is a fucking minx rowwwwr. Looks just as good without the dredz. In the end how they look depends on how they are made. Best dredz are GROWN not made. She had super straight hair so I did the combing method with hers, took a few weeks of slow steady work and then a few years of waiting.
If I said a cross between Worzel Gummage and Aunt Sally, could you picture me?

Yes it's a bit wild underneath as its half curly. Just been battling it in the shower and I give up, haircut tomorrow!

I'm not supposed to have dreads, no. I once did a 30M deep dive and came up with a dread lock the size of a small mouse and we had to cut it off with the dive boat knife in the kitchen! I was going to make it into a key ring and then I thought not!
You have curls? Take it from somebody that grows an effortless Afro: if your hair sticks together, you have stripped it of all moosture and created jagged 'scales' on the individual hair. Frizz a problem, right? OK, I am going to pretend I am not a dude and recommend Swartzkopff's Gliss range, in particular the 'damaged hair' high keratin formulation. Alternatively... and this will sound wrong but it is sooo right... stop using shampoo. Conditioner only. Try it for two weeks and tell me I was lying ;)
I can't help it that the city shut off my water. It's not like she's real gross or anything. We've sprayed her down with Axe body spray a couple times.
What's your stance on child labor? It could be the right time to take her on swimming pool openings :) She could bathe and make some money to afford the hair processors. @Clayton Bigsby could help us out here with some strategies. He was very supportive of his nephew. Best way to raise a kid so they do not end up entitled and lazy get 'em earning the extras early.
Why yes, ma'am she is a fucking minx rowwwwr. Looks just as good without the dredz. In the end how they look depends on how they are made. Best dredz are GROWN not made. She had super straight hair so I did the combing method with hers, took a few weeks of slow steady work and then a few years of waiting.
You have curls? Take it from somebody that grows an effortless Afro: if your hair sticks together, you have stripped it of all moosture and created jagged 'scales' on the individual hair. Frizz a problem, right? OK, I am going to pretend I am not a dude and recommend Swartzkopff's Gliss range, in particular the 'damaged hair' high keratin formulation. Alternatively... and this will sound wrong but it is sooo right... stop using shampoo. Conditioner only. Try it for two weeks and tell me I was lying ;)
Swartzkopf can't save me! I tried the black bottle range.
I use Kerastase which is salon sold and pricey but works. Aveda used to be one of my favourites, you should try it as its natural and organic.
When I say it can lock together, I can literally plait it and it stays. It's not frizzy unless I brush it. But only underneath. I've got a right mane of hair which is so heavy it can give me a headache if I wear it up. Definitely it's a bit of hard work, I ride a bike too and the crash helmet/ wind don't help either! :)
I can't help it that the city shut off my water. It's not like she's real gross or anything. We've sprayed her down with Axe body spray a couple times.
Well u can help ur water being off. its called paying ur bill. I really hope you're not being serious right now. Because this is how I grew up and it is terrible. Its horrible going to school and kids making funny you because you smell because your parents are to worthless to pay the water bill
Well u can help ur water being off. its called paying ur bill. I really hope you're not being serious right now. Because this is how I grew up and it is terrible. Its horrible going to school and kids making funny you because you smell because your parents are to worthless to pay the water bill
damn, sorry to hear that brother. No joke, I'm not being sarcastic. That really is heartbreaking, here :hug: