Thinking of moving to AZ.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't qualify for there med mj. But after looking deep in the AZ laws I can still grow. But only if a dispensary takes me on. No I don't know anyone out there. But looking at a job for 8-10k a month. Wondering if anyone here works with anyone I could/would meet and findout how to grow legal. I have the Cali grow going and don't wanna pass up a good job. But also 20 years of growing I don't wanna leave that behind. I'm leaving it prity veag. I don't wanna post details out just yet.


Well-Known Member
Also it's another year of school befor I can take the job. So it will be after elections. At my age I'm so over school. Every year in in at least a 6 week corse. Just to keep working. Last one cost 10k. Can us old farts get a break? Shit I used lead to paint! Think my brain is all there?

george xxx

Active Member
Change is always interesting but not always the wisest idea. Try to consider all the climate change issues. I tried Phoenix in the early 80s. At first I thought it was great. Had to leave after 2 years. Physically I was unable to adapt. The longer I stayed the weaker I became. Unless you have tried desert life before you have no idea how much life can change.


Well-Known Member
I live in the Mojave desert of Cali. And all but the last year the other 3 where in AZ for work. I'm outside all day and me and kids play football in 110 temps. So I'm fine there. Im looking at setting something up befor I get there. I can set my privet grow room that you see here up in Cali. But would like to take it with me. If I take the job. But AZ won't let me. So I would be lossing 2k a month if I take the job and not the grow. Sorry I'm drunk do if that makes no sence I'll fix it in the am.


Active Member
I am a 41 year old male who has lived in Phoenix, Arizona since 1981. I can't speak to the differences in the laws, or help you find decent work here (still tryin' to find that myself), but I can tell you this,.... Phoenix is one of the most boring, hot, miserable, and up-tight places I've ever been. People in practically every other city I've ever lived in or visited, were nicer and more pleasant than people in Phoenix. I may be a bit biased because I hate this God-forsaken desert hellhole that I like to refer to as "Satan's Anus". There's a lot of heroine here and a lot more meth. Junkies kinda rub me the wrong way. I have heard that without a medical card, the laws here could imprison a man for years over a discarded seed found in his car, or perhaps a missed roach left behind in an ashtray. Granted, this rarely if ever actually happens, but the threat is still there. Also, I don't know what your appearance is like, but I haven't found the local law enforcement authorities to be the most "long-hair" friendly. I, personally, have been stopped and made to pull out my pockets for doing nothing more than walking down the sidewalk and possibly being a "hair farmer".

That having been said, there is something to be said for going outside at 2am in the middle of February wearing only a tank top and shorts. Swimming weather 9 months out of the year doesn't suck too badly either. Other than that, I don't have a high opinion of life in Phoenix, Arizona.

I hope this gave you a little insight and helps you make your decision. If there's any questions I can answer for you or information I can get for you that will make it easier, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'll do my best to help.

Good luck!




Well-Known Member
I lived in Phoenix for bout a year. got pulled over for havin the sticker on my plates upside down. Cop saw a alligator clip on the dash and said thats probable cause. He called back up and made a big deal searchin the car, found nuthin. I liked the Falgstaff, Sedona area much more.