Thinking of Moving


Well-Known Member
Hello to all, i was wondering if you all can help me out with some quick questions if you all dont mind. My state :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:FUCKING SUCKS:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: and will practically end your life if you get busted with the smallest amount of medicine. SO i have been seriously thinking of moving out this shit hole and move on to greener pastures:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: I have oregon, california, montana or michigan. I think cali would be the best bet cause i got family over there, but i would be open to any with better commodities for a new citizen of said state. My plan is to grow for myself, brother and mother. I would also like to sell supplies to dispenseries, i really want to make this my living. so on with the questions,

1. how does selling to dispensaries work?

2. who else can you sell to? (please, only serious answers)

3. what is the limit on number of plants in flower and veg?

thank you all and i really appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
Yea see in my opinion after living in socal and doing this medical work i have learned the clubs just wanna low ball you all the time. I dont really like working with them if i dont have to. Its all about working for yourself and friends : ) WE brought in some good meds and they only wanna pay 450 a qp lol.


Well-Known Member
1800 a pound. I really aint greedy or anything, i just really like growing the plant. It is really nice and colorful and it amazes me that how a little seed can grow into such a beautiful plant in the end. I would really like to go with a perpetual grow where i could probably harvest 2-4lbs a month once i get started. I am going organic all the way, no chemicals. How is the price of living over there? i hear it is quite expensive! I was reading about michigan and that state sounds pretty laxed as well and dispensaries pay about 200 oz for mid grade and 300 for high quality, so michigan has my eye as well...

But i think i will move once i finish my baccalaureate degree so i can also find a part time job with that.

Yea see in my opinion after living in socal and doing this medical work i have learned the clubs just wanna low ball you all the time. I dont really like working with them if i dont have to. Its all about working for yourself and friends : ) WE brought in some good meds and they only wanna pay 450 a qp lol.


Well-Known Member
do not, i repeat, do not go to Montana. If you read about their mmj laws, they changed 7/1/2011 and basically took it away from the state even though 62% passed the bill into law in 2004, its amazing that they robbed that right from the people and just gave the illusion its still there.
They have really, really, really, fucked up nazi laws now for their mmj.


Well-Known Member
OK, fuck montana then! I had it in mind because it says that you do not have to be a resident for 1 year before qualifying for a mmj card... thanks for the heads bro...

do not, i repeat, do not go to Montana. If you read about their mmj laws, they changed 7/1/2011 and basically took it away from the state even though 62% passed the bill into law in 2004, its amazing that they robbed that right from the people and just gave the illusion its still there.
They have really, really, really, fucked up nazi laws now for their mmj.


Well-Known Member
1. how does selling to dispensaries work?

2. who else can you sell to? (please, only serious answers)

3. what is the limit on number of plants in flower and veg?

thank you all and i really appreciate your help
If it were me i would put the laws and consequence as priority before things like this.

Your safety and freedom are worth more than how many flowering plants you have or how to sell to disp


Active Member
haha 10 lb a month! your going to need a big shop to grow all that per month! or a big greenhouse! and 1800 is actually a great price for a lb! last year with the flood of people growing here in cali specifically here in nor cal i had to let mine go for $1000 a lb!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
and 1800 is actually a great price for a lb! last year with the flood of people growing here in cali specifically here in nor cal i had to let mine go for $1000 a lb!
I've never gotten rid of a pack for under 24 and even that is rare. The norm is 26-28 for outdoor. If you plan ahead and sit on your stuff until the summer you'll never have to sell that low either. $1000-$2000 is only the price if you sell right after outdoor harvest season. If you wait until the summer to sell off, you're stuff will become worth considerably more.


Well-Known Member
I really want to do this because i really want to learn how to grow the best medicinal cannabis i can grow! I have relatives over there and they have a place i can stay at for the time i would dedicate to this. My family is barely making it here where i live and i would want to do this for them as well. I plan on growing some dank bud with what i have learned here and with what i will learn once i get to cali... what might seem little money to some, here where i live that will go a long way! So im hoping for the best and i am going to start saving money so i can get myself over there...

I've never gotten rid of a pack for under 24 and even that is rare. The norm is 26-28 for outdoor. If you plan ahead and sit on your stuff until the summer you'll never have to sell that low either. $1000-$2000 is only the price if you sell right after outdoor harvest season. If you wait until the summer to sell off, you're stuff will become worth considerably more.


Well-Known Member
I've never gotten rid of a pack for under 24 and even that is rare. The norm is 26-28 for outdoor. If you plan ahead and sit on your stuff until the summer you'll never have to sell that low either. $1000-$2000 is only the price if you sell right after outdoor harvest season. If you wait until the summer to sell off, you're stuff will become worth considerably more.
My very first time vending, it's late October. My buddy and I grab a couple pounds and head down to the club, smiles on our faces, thinking about what a great Christmas it's going to be, because we're about to get paid, yo!

And then we get there, and every single person in the waiting room is holding a backpack or a duffle bag. Uh oh. This isn't good. Not good at all. And as we're sitting there, more people are coming in, and they're all carrying duffle bags, too. Things are not looking good. And one by one, folks are brought back to meet with the buyer, and are emerging a short time later, sad looks upon their faces.

When it's our turn, the buyer (actually a really nice guy) looks our product over, puts it under the microscope, tells us we did a great job, and then offers us $1000 a pack, which we of course declined. He then took us aside and explained how things work. He explains that it's harvest time, which means that nobody is coming in to buy, because everyone that grew is sharing with all of their friends that didn't. He points out the fact the everybody coming in is coming in to vend. He then tells us to do ourselves a favor, take our weed home, seal it up tight, and then sit on it until springtime at the earliest.

All in all a very disappointing, yet educational experience.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I can't speak for the outdoor scene, as it's not our gig. But, you said perpetual, which means indoors. This is our scene. I don't want to rain on your parade, but think you should go in with your eyes wide open.

If you're serious about 10lbs/month, take a look at our thread. This is the size op you will need for that kind of yield of high end low yielding Kush. To give you an idea, our electrical bill alone for the first 4 months before we saw a dime from our members was over $6,000. The lease, another $6,000. The equipment, $20,000. You get the idea.

You can grow a higher yielding plant...just be prepared to take a big price cut...IF you can find anyone to buy it at all. California is, without question, the toughest state to break into this industry. You'll need a buttload of capitol, some really good contacts, and some primo genetics to be successful here.

My advice? Come on out. Get a job. Start a small bedroom grow. Work on aquiring the right genetics, the right contacts, and perfecting the grow for a year or 2. If you're good at growing, and with a little luck, you'll be in a position to make it your full time gig. There will always be a market for top quality product.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat as you man. I live in an opressive state and want to move out of here and grow in cali. Theres alot to it though man. First off if you plan on growing serious weight you need to move to a city or county where you will be able to under the radar. 10lbs a month isnt way you can justify it...unless you own a co-op or something. You could always move up to the emerald triangle but its worth even less up there because there is so much of it. I refuse to move to cali untill i have around 50K saved up. That way i have a nice cushion to sit on untill the first i know i can get a decent job with my experience.


Active Member Marijuana Program.aspx

good luck. do you research save plenty of start up. I think I too must move I live in one of the poorest places you can think of and still have internet. and their haven't been jobs down here in years. at least I could smoke and vendor my extras it would put me a step up from were I am now. Degrees even from the honors college can't find me work.


Well-Known Member
My very first time vending, it's late October. My buddy and I grab a couple pounds and head down to the club, smiles on our faces, thinking about what a great Christmas it's going to be, because we're about to get paid, yo!

And then we get there, and every single person in the waiting room is holding a backpack or a duffle bag. Uh oh. This isn't good. Not good at all. And as we're sitting there, more people are coming in, and they're all carrying duffle bags, too. Things are not looking good. And one by one, folks are brought back to meet with the buyer, and are emerging a short time later, sad looks upon their faces.

When it's our turn, the buyer (actually a really nice guy) looks our product over, puts it under the microscope, tells us we did a great job, and then offers us $1000 a pack, which we of course declined. He then took us aside and explained how things work. He explains that it's harvest time, which means that nobody is coming in to buy, because everyone that grew is sharing with all of their friends that didn't. He points out the fact the everybody coming in is coming in to vend. He then tells us to do ourselves a favor, take our weed home, seal it up tight, and then sit on it until springtime at the earliest.

All in all a very disappointing, yet educational experience.
wait. they offered you 1K for an indoor lb or an outdoor one?

if you declined im assuming its indoor and if thats the i dont blame you for turning that down!


Well-Known Member
how much do you pull off on average?

haha 10 lb a month! your going to need a big shop to grow all that per month! or a big greenhouse! and 1800 is actually a great price for a lb! last year with the flood of people growing here in cali specifically here in nor cal i had to let mine go for $1000 a lb!