Thinking of ordering Fem seeds and growing


Active Member
I wanna order some seeds from an online seed bank but its my first time doing so, ive been looking at attitude seeds and i want to grow some very flavorful, good yielding strains. So far i have decided that i want to grow chocolope, blueberry gum, and just for me kandy kush. I am planning on doing this grow cfl with a dwc hydroponics system. Are those good flavors to start with?


Active Member
Yum, especially the chocolope, also try starwberry cough , grape fruit and cottan candy , /yum


Active Member
nevermind i now know... Im looking to grow strains that are short to medium height and and will produce the bang im looking for. Mainly medicinal purposes, stepping up to caregiver status, i know many cancer patients, people who suffer from depression anxiety and insomnia.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
TGA is very overrated and the seeds are regs so you will have to grow out more to find a female worth keeping. You'll hear a lot of people tell you TGA is the best, but believe me, most of it is hype. I doesn't matter if you're a noob, flavor can be a top priority, don't listen to that dude. Look at Emerald Triangle's fems and Sannies fems. Flavor and potency all day long. Look at Grapefruit Krush from Emerald Triangle, potent, super tasty, and a fat yielder. I've grown Cheesquake, Jilly Bean, and Sputnik 2 from TGA and none of those can touch Grapefruit Krush, or any of the other ET strains I've grown.

Grapefruit Krush



Active Member
Capt. stickyfingers that grapefruit kush makes me want to lick my computer screen lol. I will def give them a look.


Well-Known Member
if you really want to do it right. order 5 packs of the strains you want. then germinate them all and pick one mother from each batch, whichever one is looking the best. you can even go as far as flowering them 6 weeks and then picking the top plants based on what the buds look like.

you will have to re vegg them and clone this is alright. you can harvest most of the buds off of the plant and leave just enough left to revegg, re vegged plants produce great nodes for cloning and lots of them, you will have a wirey scraggly fucked up looking plant for a while but thats OK the genetics are still good.

from these mother plants you can have a continuous harvest and great genetics for a long ass time but it takes a little longer to get established.

any batch of seeds will have the potential for a supe pheno but you have to do the digging to get it. you will notice that if you get a 5 pack of fem seeds and plant all of them , give them all the same conditions and they all came from the same mother they are still all going to be different. some noticable and some not so noticable. you can get great tasting and great looking buds off a bagseed from a bag of mids so dont fall into all the genetic named seeds hype. dont get me wrong the named genetics are great but there is good seeds everywhere not just from a seed bank.

not sure what your growing experience is but it may be a good idea to do a couple bagseeds so you can get the feel for it before dumping 200$ on genetics from a bank and having something fall through on you, especially if your starting off with a hydroponics system. Im not saying a first timer (if you are im not sure your experience) cant pull off a great crop but a little practice never hurts anyone :)

gl and happy growing m8

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I always say the yield from your first grow should be measured in learning. Don't do more than one strain. Pick a good classic one and learn from it before experimenting. I suggest Northern Lights.


Well-Known Member
I always say the yield from your first grow should be measured in learning. Don't do more than one strain. Pick a good classic one and learn from it before experimenting. I suggest Northern Lights.
As a newb who hasn't even made it to flowering in my first grow, I agree with this one. If I had started a bunch of seeds to begin with, I'd be out a bunch of $$. Fortunately I only wasted one bought seed for my first attempts, the rest were the freebies that came with the order (from Herbies).


Well-Known Member
As a newb who hasn't even made it to flowering in my first grow, I agree with this one. If I had started a bunch of seeds to begin with, I'd be out a bunch of $$. Fortunately I only wasted one bought seed for my first attempts, the rest were the freebies that came with the order (from Herbies).
haha great avatar man, what realm do you play on?


Active Member
Let me clear the air by saying that i have grown before. Though i had to cut them down because of a sudden change of plans (me and my gf broke up she threatened to call cops ect ect) it was bagseed (three diff types) and up until the day i had to kill them i had no pests nute deficiencies or anything like that. ppl say its hard to do and requires blah blah blah blah. but i say, its just a plant, it just that. LOL! I plan to grow 6 plants two bushes of three different flavors, i understand my level of knowledge isnt up to par with alot of you out there, but the only way to know is to grow. I will be doing this only because i am very confident in my knowledge and my abilities to produce dank sweet nugs/hash/edibles i was just wondering if the strains i said we be good strains for a first time order from seed bank, not fist time grow.


Well-Known Member
Let me clear the air by saying that i have grown before. Though i had to cut them down because of a sudden change of plans (me and my gf broke up she threatened to call cops ect ect) it was bagseed (three diff types) and up until the day i had to kill them i had no pests nute deficiencies or anything like that. ppl say its hard to do and requires blah blah blah blah. but i say, its just a plant, it just that. LOL! I plan to grow 6 plants two bushes of three different flavors, i understand my level of knowledge isnt up to par with alot of you out there, but the only way to know is to grow. I will be doing this only because i am very confident in my knowledge and my abilities to produce dank sweet nugs/hash/edibles i was just wondering if the strains i said we be good strains for a first time order from seed bank, not fist time grow.
i couldnt agree more with "its just a plant" but not knowing your or your methods i just wanted to put out my 2¢, you wouldnt believe how many people kill thier plants the first go around and its a shame to see someone spend good money on genetics and lose thier crop. this tends to make people back off growing and its a shame, that being said i was just trying to help not insult your skills.

your strain selection looks great i would go with whatever YOU want to grow and then make your decisions for future grows based off your experiences. everyone can tell you what they like and what they think is great but they might not have the same preferences as you do.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I'd ditch the blueberry gum if it's g13's version your looking at? I grew out a 5pack and they were awful, in the same environment as 3 other strains and they failed miserably in comparrison to the other strains along side, low yeild and very poor quality. they were grown out alongside serious seeds white russian, physcosis (clone only) livers/blues (clone only), the best 2 of the 5 were flowered and one of them threw out male pods a couple of weeks before the end and the other one was identical minus the pollen sacks and they sucked badly, IMO very poor genetics mate compared to the strains they were grown out alongside of


Active Member
Like some of you had said starting out with bag seed should be a must im glad that i started with bag seed. My first grow i learned alot. Tbyles you say its just a plant throw it down and it will grow well yah its a plant and it will grow. Your talking about being a provider so there for as your duty as a provider you want to have medicinal great ganja thats grown great. Your not gonna get this by throwing down a few seeds in some MG soil. Your bud may turn out ok but there is alot more to it than just that. my friend grew bag seed like you just threw it in a pot it finished it wasnt great i grew the same plants as him i put a little more attention to detail. Just read up and give it a go with the bag seed and while your doing that order the good seeds


Active Member
Like W dragon said about the blueberry gum i have one i just put into flower going through the stretch the plant had great structure and all that short and fat thick branches but its only like a 1 ft tall maybe 1.5 the description said it would stretch alot but mine hasnt stretched for shit really but anyway i hope i dont get any shitty phenos like yours. Mine was a freebie so no big loss