what about if friend so so has already been flipped by the cops n the other mister so so hes vouching for is the cop???A tip to , if some stranger calls and says he is a friend of so and so . Get so and so to confirm him. Cops use this tactic lots.
Smoke it up,,,You know deep inside, of the good and badi've thought it over and decided not to sell. its not worth the risk for such a small reward. thanks for the advice!
If you grow a tiny bit then just deal with friends. If your pullin in the poundage you need a hookup that can take it all off your hands at once. If you grow it is very unwise to also become the street dealer.
Leave kids out of it. Everyone I know has a strict 18 and over policy. I'm not saying I haven't made mistakes but I'm not saying what they were either (never give up your 5th Amendment right). I'm just saying that it's best to not get yourself involved in contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Also keep in mind that if you use "retail outlets" you're going to have to be able to enforce an extremely strict no-theft policy or you'll get robbed blind. That usually means a realistic threat of violence.
Here's great advice a LAWYER gave me after i got busted for intent. After he realized i didn't have enough money to pay him for his initial visit he said "Look kid. get your shit together. Any drug dealer who is any good at what they do is saves money for their lawyer" the guy who referred him to me had 8 raids. 0 convictions. THAT IS GOOD BIT OF ADVICE IF YOU PLAN ON MAKING REAL MONEY. KNOW A GOOD LAWYER.
"I don't know you." *click*what about if friend so so has already been flipped by the cops n the other mister so so hes vouching for is the cop???