Thinking over switching over to flower..


Well-Known Member
My ww has been veging for 36 days. Thinking of switching to flower 12/12 at day 40. She is 15 inches tall. My question is..should I wait till taller maybe 2 feet? Or just turn it loose for flower. I have a 6 and a 1/2 foot ceiling.
Thanks for all responses. This site has helped me out a ton.



Well-Known Member
You can turn it at any time really. There is a huge 50/50 argument on the benefits of vegging longer vs producing quicker for better results.

A good rule of thumb is your plants will get 2-3x taller then what they are now. White widow is a 60% sativa so it will have some growth to it. If your lights are at the ceiling at 6 foot you can grow a much bigger plant than that.

Looks like you only have 4 nodes. You might want more flowering sites before you flower.

Unless I'm not seeing correctly.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments..I have a 400 mh and will switch to 400 hps for flower. As far nodes I no pic is hard to tell but have a bunch of smaller nodes lower also.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Depenends on how much you want in a yield.. I veg for anywhere to 11 weeks. then get a QP+ per plant. I'm also medical.. Putting that plant into flower will only get you ma by like? an eighth.

10 weeks veg:
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as a dwc grower i would cry if my girls looked like that after 11 weeks lol, is that inc 2 weeks for the seed to germ / roots to root?

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
you considered training? .....

if you are more fussed with yield then time,

cut the MAIN stem were i have put the RED line making sure you LEAVE the branches circled in yellow.


this will make the bushy bit more bushy and help even your canopy out. a skill that is essential to master in indoor growing and out.

place the chopped bit of stem directly into a clean glass of water. leave it in the cup in a shaded spot. 2weeks later you can plant the bit you chopped and do it all again!

EDIT: do you have a fan trained on them they seem a touch thin??


Well-Known Member
Yea I did some lsting and topped once. I do have a fan blowing in low. Should I continue veg and top and also bump fan speed up? Thanks all for comments and suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Also if I cut it how long does it take to recover and should I lower light. My light is at roughly 2 feet above plant? Thanks Again

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
i would do as i have described, you have topped etc but the whole point was to create an even canopy (all budsites at the same level) for even light distribution.

so look at your plant, and chop to make it level. with a 400w mh she will recover within 24hrs and you should see the two nodes in yellow will look like they have been on roids, you could also make holes all round the pot then tie each one of her branches out to make a star shape then flower.

you want to grow an xmas tree, turn it into a bush,bud her, then smoke that biatch!

in all methods growth will be back on after 4 days. spesh using 400 mh. then 400 hps for flower.

get a fan pointed at your girls, strong limbs make for large buds grasshopper!!! lol

and if temps are ok you need your 600mh approx 18-24" above your girls tie a piece of string to the front of the hood thats 18" long when your girls hit it, move it up!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks for all comments I may top her like Lemon suggested and get her even might lower lights also. Also my fan is low and circulates not blowing continually on plant. Once I top like Lemon suggested how long should I go to switch to veg..time is not an issue also. Thanks everyone.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
even her out and give her 2 more weeks straight growth.

if your in a rush just do her now! but get another fan mate, even a really cheap one! air circ IS very important spesh with mh or hps!!!
even her out and give her 2 more weeks straight growth. if your in a rush just do her now! but get another fan mate, even a really cheap one! air circ IS very important spesh with mh or hps!!!
Couldnt have said it better myself I have a fan sucking air from my hood vented to roof I cut 2 10inch holes in my floor ran some ducting to some fans so they suck fresh air into my room and I got 3 fans just blowing air around in my room on my plants... can never have to many fans unless I guess your room had trouble staying warm enough lol
I also think u should plant 1 or 2 more plants just in case that 1 wants to be gay and grow balls... unless she is pre flowering just a suggestion


Well-Known Member
Yea I did some lsting and topped once. I do have a fan blowing in low. Should I continue veg and top and also bump fan speed up? Thanks all for comments and suggestions.
You already got some great responses but I wanted to add another point of view.

"Air Circulation" is a necessity; you need to maintain a decent temperature inside the grow area especially considering the lights. 80-90 degrees is what your looking for no higher than 95 with super growing.

However I',m no fan of having a fan on high on the plants. To me, I'm growing flowers not leaves and stems. If your growing right the stems won't support the bud sites and you will have to tie them up. Causing the stems to get stronger to support themselves with wind is a waste of plant energy for a BUD FARMER. Now if you want to grow beautiful self sufficient plants with flowers then sure. It will take longer though.

If you want to keep topping, that's fine. I've seen bushes with probably 30 or so bud sites.

Flowering can happen at any time indoors, the plant will double or triple in size so always remember that in your decision.

Also if I cut it how long does it take to recover and should I lower light. My light is at roughly 2 feet above plant? Thanks Again
I wouldn't flower until at-least 1 week after your last cut.

You never said what kind of lights you use.

Typically Lumen are: (Example with 40k lumen)

100% 1st foot =40k
1/4% 2nd foot =10k
1/9% 3rd foot =4444K
1/16 at 4th foot =2500k

I place my lights about 4 feet above the plant and let them grow into their space. Flower them at about 2 feet or so.