stop using the 15-0-0-26 calcium nitrate,
go to about 650 of the 3/11/27 and add about a 100ppms of epsom salt, add 2ml per gal of cal/mag, keep water temp about 72 and ph at 6.0-6.2 check ph daily ....get some ph drops to check every now and again or when you have a ph swing to make sure the pen is accurate and before you add ph up or down when there is a big swing so you dont add ph up down when you dont need to if your pen went whacko on you.
pick off all the jacked up leaves.
yes the mag and cal mag are about the same thing along with the calcium nitrate but the cal/mag has less nitrogen in it. and or if the 15-0-0-26 calcium nitrate is actually 15/0/26 then I would guess that your adding more K than need be.