Third grow/ unknown strains


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with you on using molasses after watching the results first hand! I really does help to fatten up them buds! Amazing! Well thanks much for the info! I just flushed yesterday, so I'll prob giv her 1 water with just molasses and a reg water then chop. Man I didn't realize that you use 2tblsp's either! I've only been using 2 tsp just because I didn't want to over do anything. lol, the molasses tuns the water SO brown, it just doesn't even look healthy! lol, That's good to konw tho, I'm probably gonna be stepping up on the molasses a bit...

1 more Q for you, during flower do you use molasses every watering? Or every other watering? And would you use it WITH or WITHOUT your nutes? I've been feeding full strength bloom nutes and 2tsp molasses, then just plain old water, then the full nute +molasses, then just water ect... I was wondering if it might be better to feed the molasses on the non-nute watering? So like, full strength bloom nute, then molasses, then nute, then molasses ect? Or does is even matter at all? Just wondering what you personally like to do.

Thanks again MC!


Well-Known Member
your very much welcome. ans i start at 1 tblsp that i add while in veg just one does in veg though, and then i work up to 2 tblsp in flower and stay at that amount u cant really over due it unless u use pure mallases or alot of it in water the worse that could happin is it attracts ants. and this is how i do it in flower. feed with nutes and mallases. then next just plain water. then its nutes with water. then its water and mallases, then nutes and water, then water and mallases and son and so on if it makes sense. i try to keep to this but it usally ends up bein me adding it when ever i feel they want some u cant really over due just make sure to have a tiem wher u water with just water a few times. so yes ts ok to mix mallases with nutes.


Well-Known Member
ok took the plants out to try to take some pics of the trichs and the color that the plant is getting. its starting to show some dark blue and purple buds and leaf. i have left the heater off for the last few nights wich is droppin the temp down to at least 55 so some more color will come out. the last ten pics are camer phone pics cuz my other cam died right when i was gonna get some close ups. i will get more photos and better photos when i get soem batteries also a new video comin soon.:cry:


Well-Known Member
your very much welcome. ans i start at 1 tblsp that i add while in veg just one does in veg though, and then i work up to 2 tblsp in flower and stay at that amount u cant really over due it unless u use pure mallases or alot of it in water the worse that could happin is it attracts ants. and this is how i do it in flower. feed with nutes and mallases. then next just plain water. then its nutes with water. then its water and mallases, then nutes and water, then water and mallases and son and so on if it makes sense. i try to keep to this but it usally ends up bein me adding it when ever i feel they want some u cant really over due just make sure to have a tiem wher u water with just water a few times. so yes ts ok to mix mallases with nutes.
Oh ok sweet! Yea that's exactly what I wanted to know. Awesome! And I too have gotten to the point of forgetting where I'm at with the water/nute/molasses and mjust give them what they need when they look like they need it. I just got a whiteboard tho, so I'm trying to keep track of everything fairly closely now.
P.S. Them buds are lookin hella good! I like the slightly lower temps to bring out some vibrant colors!


Well-Known Member
well i keep really good trakc of the days i water and how much nutes i use and what not, but i just dont really ever write down the mallases part in my grow pad so i add it every few waterings pretty much sometimes with nutes and somtimes without. and thanks for the compliment, they were gettin the purple blue color before the temps were lowered but once i saw thatits color was shown i decided to turn the heater off for a few days to help it come out and then put the heater back on till a few days before harvest. i will get a pic of a fully flowered shishkaberry plant that i love. its not mine but i found it while tryin to reasearch the strain


Active Member
Fuck man. Iv'e only been out a minute,a lot to catch up on in here. I use 1 Tbls per gallon on one feed than one the next. Add it to my mix like it wasn't there. I am in veg. I also got a tip from an old man grower. He said go down and get some thick black molasses and make a big ring around your girl in the soil before the last three weeks start. Than rinse your girl through it and repeat till she's done. Said that's where it's at. Your girls are lookin good.


Well-Known Member
Hey McP, just parousing your journal making sure I haven't missed anything. You smoke your pre-chopped bud yet? Everything looks very shiny and crystally young man, excellent work indeed.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Fuck man. Iv'e only been out a minute,a lot to catch up on in here. I use 1 Tbls per gallon on one feed than one the next. Add it to my mix like it wasn't there. I am in veg. I also got a tip from an old man grower. He said go down and get some thick black molasses and make a big ring around your girl in the soil before the last three weeks start. Than rinse your girl through it and repeat till she's done. Said that's where it's at. Your girls are lookin good.
u mean just use strate mallases around the plant and then water. kinda sounds like the same as mixing it in with water, im sure it works the same but it sounds like he may use more of the mallases to complete a ring around the plant. i would give it a go on one of mine to see if their is a differnec but i have ants already and raw mallases wont be good for me or my plants. nthanks for the info though always usefull to learn somthin new

Hey McP, just parousing your journal making sure I haven't missed anything. You smoke your pre-chopped bud yet? Everything looks very shiny and crystally young man, excellent work indeed.

Peace, DST
hey dst, do u mean the small bud i took of the shihkaberry if so yes i smoked it but it was not all that good as i let it dry to much and to fast in the sunlight on one of our warmer days. but the buds are lookin great stratin to bring out alot of color, like a blueberry almost. also i smoked some of my purple indica buds that i took at like less than half ay through flower and they are pretty good not greattaste but it wont be bad smoke if i ever run out of my good shit or wanna make some more hash but till then its gonna sit in a jar curing to try to get that harshness out


Well-Known Member
i got a call from my futare grower for the summer and she needs me to finish up my indoor so i can make her my card holder so she can start my outdoor plants cuz its about that time here. she said the sooner the better so i said in 7 days. so today i am cutting my girl that i have began flushing. these pics are her outside before the chop and i will uploade the chopped version when i am done. i am starting to flush the other plant tomorrow and will chop her in 7 days. then its by by for me and pics most likely for the summer unless my grower is cool wich i beleive SHE is.
the buds have a purple to them but the cam doesnt catch it to much. well heres the pics. more pics tommorow of my other plant still standing:-P oh and i know this plant should have gone longer but i have to do it and the trichs are amber and cloudy but still some new growth but all well its ripe and the other plant will be even better.


Well-Known Member
ok finished her up heres soe pics of her hangin. after she drys up a bit i will manicure them so they are all bud and no leaf. and then into the jar to cure for awhile. i wil end up with about 2 ozs dry from this plant. my other plant i beleive will produce 3-4 ozs. it is much fatter. i am cutting her in 7 days. i will take pics of my other plant rite before harvest and after harvest. till then no other pics unless its my dryed weed thats goin into jars.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
fuck yea dood, nice pics purp good job brotha
thanks dres420. could have been more ripe but she is stil gona be good.

also today i flushed my other plant with supernaturals super leach and then 15 gallons of water and the last one had 2 tbsp of mallaes and some organic cal/mag. and small amount of organic micro nutes. heres some pics of her in the bath and a video the video is not the greates but i got some really good trich shots on the video usin my micrscope


Well-Known Member
thanks dst, and ya i know the video wasnt great qaulity but i was mainly tryin to catch the trichs in the vid with my microscope cuz i cant take great trich pics but any who thanks for stoppin by. i am gonna go smoke my first bowl of my shishka right now. i dried out about 5 gs in the sun for a day and then over night and now its almost all the way dry . just a tadded moist but thats how i like it


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieAwesome job Mcpurple I'm back from the madness of Coachella, Now all my time I can devote to my babies I have two one's outside and the other is inside,Matilda's twin is indoor and the other imposter is outside and doing "ok".I flowered the one outside very early to see if it is a fem. if not than no time wasted,because I'm very tired of wasted time like the last 5 males I had.:-(:dunce::roll:I will post 20th day pictures of the two tonight so you can shed some of your awesome lighted knowledge:idea:

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
lookin DAMN good MC! That 4th pic is fuckin dope! One of the best of yours I've seen! Ya know, like pic quality wise, it's a good pic, you can actually see the awesomeness that IS the shishkaberry. Props dog!

P.S. What's your avatar a pic of? Just curious? It's cool!


Well-Known Member
ya i am finally startin to get the pics down. and my shishkaberry is awsome my favorite strain so far doesnt even smell like weed until sqeezed or smoked its just straight berry smellin. the taste is great to just berry and some herb taste to it. i got a buch of hash from the shishkaberry to that is like a fuckin skittle.

my avatar pic is a pic of the volcano in ice land. theris a buch of cool pics of the volcano


Well-Known Member
alright my buds went into the jars today the branches are still bendy cuz thtas just how i do it to ensure a very slow dry. i am guestimating i will get 2-2 1/2 ozs when its completely dry. each one of my jars fits and oz give or take a few grams comfortably so threee jars is about 3 ozs. but i think 2 and a half is more like it. my other plant is gonna produce way more i am choppin her to morrow cuz i just want to hurry up and finish so i can get the outdoor goin. will post pics tommorow.
here is some almost completey dry shishkaberry it smells so good. not even like weed at all more like just a berry it taste so fuckin good to i wish i could share smells and smoke with some of you peeps on here but i cant. heres the pics