Third week of flowers

Ro water
General organics with ca mg
Inner leaves yellow and dropping
Pale yellow leading to all yellow
Start at bottom going up and out
Affected larger fans first


Well-Known Member
Ro water
General organics with ca mg
Inner leaves yellow and dropping
Pale yellow leading to all yellow
Start at bottom going up and out
Affected larger fans first
Sounds like nitrogen deficiency, but impossible to tell until you upload pictures.


Well-Known Member
Well we do get these questions everyday and a lot of people get the same thing when they awnswer everything and see a lot of posts saying what’s wrong with my plant and not giving photos and no real good info


Well-Known Member
Yea they quite hungry then add a bit of nitrogen and a bit of mag 1/4 ratio mag/nitrogen edited
They take water every 3days, and just ca mg water every other watering.
Is this to lite of feed then.
I don't know if you're familiar with the general organic line,
I use 1 tbsp (=6ml) of the bio Marina
1 tbsp bio thrive bloom
1tsp bio bud


Well-Known Member
In my opinion it appears your biggest issue you have is a PH fluctuation issue mixed with something else, like nitrogen def. its defiantly not to much nitrogen. Or your leaves would be dark green and leaves pointing down at the tips. But a PH flux can lock out other nutrients. so i would look more closely into your PH.