
oh and if you don't want to look through his post, here are a few quotes.

after someone asked how long it would take for a male to be ready to pollinate, he replies:

he then edits that to:


oh yeah, let's get our brothers arrested, sent to jail and have to deal with the physical and emotional trauma of what happens when you get locked up. over a crop of bud, the bottom as if you can't get your shit on lock better to avoid the situation on your next grow.

he did say he was kidding...........after someone called him out on how fucked up that is. who the fuck would write shit like that anyway. even in joke it's fucked up, and only because someone mentioned it, did he say "just kidding"

oh there is more, but i think this will suffice.

yeah there are grammatical errors in my POST, not the rough draft of some supposed "book" i'm writing. and considering i'm posting on your thread, my typing does not have to be proper. considering what you wrote was for a "book", your typing should be proper. or no one will take you seriously. they will think you are a JOKE. and tragik HATE each other...your getting involved with internet beef that has NOTHING to do with you...straight up. You came on my story page to trash talk me? Your the definition of a troll. And you are trying to prove how bad I am? I hate Tragik because he knew nothing about me, just like you, and randomly called you an asshole. Ever since we hated each other. As for everything else I's my sense of humor. I obviously don't expect him to put his brother in jail...and if he did than he's the fucked up one. You are DEFINITELY one of those people who write and call video game company's blaming them for columbine.

If this is all you have to offer this site is trolling, and getting involved with beef that has nothing to do with you. Go to that's the place where everyone disses each other. The funny thing is as bad as my grammar was yours was about 100000000000x worst and still is which brings me to no other conclusion but that you are obviously developmentally challenged.

Now, don't embress yourself any further or I'm just going to start reporting your posts. If you wanna troll me, message me. I know then you won't be able to get all the attention you little heart desires but it will save me, and everyone her the annoyance of trying to go through a post and seeing like 20x troll posts.

And I'm starting to realise this may have been the wrong place to post this...your all high as a kite lmao... and tragik HATE each other...your getting involved with internet beef that has NOTHING to do with you...straight up. You came on my story page to trash talk me? Your the definition of a troll. And you are trying to prove how bad I am? I hate Tragik because he knew nothing about me, just like you, and randomly called you an asshole. Ever since we hated each other. As for everything else I's my sense of humor. I obviously don't expect him to put his brother in jail...and if he did than he's the fucked up one. You are DEFINITELY one of those people who write and call video game company's blaming them for columbine.

If this is all you have to offer this site is trolling, and getting involved with beef that has nothing to do with you. Go to that's the place where everyone disses each other. The funny thing is as bad as my grammar was yours was about 100000000000x worst and still is which brings me to no other conclusion but that you are obviously developmentally challenged.

Now, don't embress yourself any further or I'm just going to start reporting your posts. If you wanna troll me, message me. I know then you won't be able to get all the attention you little heart desires but it will save me, and everyone her the annoyance of trying to go through a post and seeing like 20x troll posts.


I could care less about your internet "beef", next time you say something like "I shouldveguessed someone like you would LOVE seeing sacs everywhere.", make sure you make it obvious who the fuck you're talking about. So no, not straight up.

I'm not trying to prove you're "bad" either, because it's difficult to measure good and bad, with you being so educated you should already know that, obviously not the case.
I proved with those quotes that you don't deserve any respect.

and don't pretend as if you weren't suggesting for that person to put pot plants in front of his brothers house and then call the cops. It's really ridiculous that you are really trying to pass that off as a joke, you're basically believing your own lie. Excuse me but where did you later claim it was a joke? This is everything you said about that:

That's fucked up. The people above me have the best idead I seen. Honestley you should take my advice...take any male plants, plant in his yard, call cops.

Or take bud, stick in his pocket, tell parents. As for your plant...I never had this problem so idk if he "did you a favor" but from what I read he may of. I do wish you the best of luck...and remember....snitch on him and put him in jail for the next year so he can think about how much of a bad brother he is.

Either that or beat him up so bad that he goes into the hospital. He really is an asshole for smoking immature bud though. hes not gonna get high at all and feel fucking retarded. Is he younger or older?

So tell me where it shows that you are not being serious? You are definitely one of those manipulative people, who tend to manufacture lies when it's convenient for them and then believe in your own lie, passing it off as truth. Dude, YOU HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER. Specifically, Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Commonly known as one who is a SOCIOPATH.

Characteristics of people with antisocial personality disorder may include:

Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
Persistent lying or stealing
Cruelty to animals
Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
A history of childhood conduct disorder
Recurring difficulties with the law
Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
Inability to tolerate boredom
Poor or abusive relationships
Irresponsible work behavior
Disregard for safety

This becomes more apparent with that thread about you finding a large amount of ammo and practically everything you post. You fit the bill, perfectly. If I am the person calling up video game companies to complain about Columbine, you are the person who would be holding the gun, committing the act, all with your twisted thinking, and rationalizations. Basically your mental disorder. I play Black Ops anyway, love it too.

and again no, I came to this page and gave criticism, which you obviously took, because now you're posting with punctuation. That is, capitilizing the beginning of sentences and your I's. Congratulations, I guess what I wrote did have a positive effect after all. Still, i don't find it always necessary to do that with a post, but a rough draft of a "book", well yes that would be the intelligent thing to do. Glad you're taking my advice. For this post, because it is long, I shall do the same for those who choose to read it.

I don't need any attention, and I have stated very obviously that I was aware of my negative attitude. It was still criticism though. That is what you asked for. Ask and you shall receive, so don't b*tch about me giving my opinion.

No one is even trolling, that would be me giving an answer like "12 years" when someone asks how long a male will be ready to pollinate. A post that has no meaning, no purpose. Oh wait, that's what you did and do constantly. If anything, someone COULD start reporting you in just about every post you make.
and who uses Columbine to insult someone anyway? real people died there, i hope you realize. just shows more how you fit the bill of someone who has Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).

the real tragedy, is if someone like you doesn't get help and eventually develops a mind to think certain things are ok to do. you already are developing it, it REALLY SHOWS. i wish someone here would know you in real life and use your post as evidence to the things you do and the way you think.

like kicking a grenade, shows your poor behavioral controls, lack of rational thinking, disregard for safety, inability to deal with boredom and is sure way to be confronted by the law

stealing gun ammo, is obviously stealing so you're confronting the law again, but also poor behavioral controls, tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others, apparent lack of remorse for stealing, inability to deal with boredom, and disregard for safety. you did mention wanting to sell that ammo, and i bet you would to anyone offering the money.

suggesting others to falsify crimes in order to achieve revenge despite the reality of ruining that persons life, shows poor behavioral controls, tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others, lack of remorse or empathy, poor relationships, disregard for safety and a lot of other shit too. what if the state that person lived in was strict about their MJ laws and by accident shot the person you were setting up? not to mention that person would be their brother. this shows lack of rational thinking, and also a sure way to have a recurrence with the law.

suggesting to steal from your mother that has cancer, is in the hospital and in a coma for seeds! because "she don't need it no more" shows poor relationships, lack of remorse and empathy, lack of respect for the boundaries of others, poor behavioral controls and a lot more.

you're buying automatic rifles and wanted to make a home-made .50 cal. it's people like you that give others reason to believe we need better gun-control. you're a mess and you NEED help.
I could care less about your internet "beef", next time you say something like "I shouldveguessed someone like you would LOVE seeing sacs everywhere.", make sure you make it obvious who the fuck you're talking about. So no, not straight up.

I'm not trying to prove you're "bad" either, because it's difficult to measure good and bad, with you being so educated you should already know that, obviously not the case.
I proved with those quotes that you don't deserve any respect.

and don't pretend as if you weren't suggesting for that person to put pot plants in front of his brothers house and then call the cops. It's really ridiculous that you are really trying to pass that off as a joke, you're basically believing your own lie. Excuse me but where did you later claim it was a joke? This is everything you said about that:

So tell me where it shows that you are not being serious? You are definitely one of those manipulative people, who tend to manufacture lies when it's convenient for them and then believe in your own lie, passing it off as truth. Dude, YOU HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER. Specifically, Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Commonly known as one who is a SOCIOPATH.

Characteristics of people with antisocial personality disorder may include:

Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
Persistent lying or stealing
Cruelty to animals
Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
A history of childhood conduct disorder
Recurring difficulties with the law
Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
Inability to tolerate boredom
Poor or abusive relationships
Irresponsible work behavior
Disregard for safety

This becomes more apparent with that thread about you finding a large amount of ammo and practically everything you post. You fit the bill, perfectly. If I am the person calling up video game companies to complain about Columbine, you are the person who would be holding the gun, committing the act, all with your twisted thinking, and rationalizations. Basically your mental disorder. I play Black Ops anyway, love it too.

and again no, I came to this page and gave criticism, which you obviously took, because now you're posting with punctuation. That is, capitilizing the beginning of sentences and your I's. Congratulations, I guess what I wrote did have a positive effect after all. Still, i don't find it always necessary to do that with a post, but a rough draft of a "book", well yes that would be the intelligent thing to do. Glad you're taking my advice. For this post, because it is long, I shall do the same for those who choose to read it.

I don't need any attention, and I have stated very obviously that I was aware of my negative attitude. It was still criticism though. That is what you asked for. Ask and you shall receive, so don't b*tch about me giving my opinion.

No one is even trolling, that would be me giving an answer like "12 years" when someone asks how long a male will be ready to pollinate. A post that has no meaning, no purpose. Oh wait, that's what you did and do constantly. If anything, someone COULD start reporting you in just about every post you make.

Dear random internet person,
I am glad to see that you also have watched the sopranos, and have wikipedia. With that being said sociopath's in true deffiniton are people who fluff up other people, to get what they want for themself as the end result. That's the problem with the sopranos it made a whole generation of HBO bachelor degree psychyotrist such as yourself.

With that being said, I am pretty confused at what point your trying to prove. First I was uneducated, now I'm a ruthless criminal that is obviously trying to get people to do what I want and don't know reality from fiction.

So in my confusion I'm going to do the only thing I know...and that is post a picture of something even more confusing than your ranting that one after the other contradict each other...


That's this rabbit with pancake on head. Why is the pancake on it's head? Did it's owner put it there? Or did it accidently hop on to his breakfast table? Or is his pet shop where he lives located next door to a mcdonalds that was throwing out pancakes? We may never know, just as the world may never know what point your trying to prove, and who your trying to prove it too. Hopefully this picture offered some theraputic relief and I hope this can help you come to terms with whatever your trying to prove.

Deepest regards,
Other random guy from internet you'll never meet but only know by 80mg :lol:
never seen an episode of the sopranos, good that you're keeping in touch with your mom considering you're not on good speaking terms with your dad anymore.

what's so confusing about a pancake on a rabbit's head? someone put a pancake on its head and took a picture. ?

we all have wikipedia.

"A sociopath is somebody who exhibits sociopathy, who behaves in a way that suggests they have no conscience. Unlike the average human, a sociopath does not feel any sense of guilt or remorse when committing morally wrong actions or actions that their society deems unacceptable. Because of this utter lack of fear for the sanctions of society, sociopaths take advantage of the social system and use manipulation and amoral behaviors to obtain their goals. The types of behaviors they exhibit are those that would make someone with a conscience uncomfortable."

hmmmm if i recall, many people criticize you here, and kind of have that "wtf" reaction to what you post, not in a surprised way. more like a confusing "this guy is serious?" wtf. considering the short amount of time you've spent on this site, it's safe to say that behavior of yours isn't limited to only this site. glad your mom is having a good laugh though.

you still are uneducated, you've managed to discover spell check so that's progress. i never called you a criminal, merely stated which things you have stated you are doing that could result in a confrontation with the cops, so learn to read better basically. never said you don't know reality from fiction because that could mean a wide-range of things. i did state how you posted a lie, claiming to be "joking" about something you never even clarified in the original thread that you were joking about.

besides you and you're mom enjoying the read, where is it that you prove me wrong? because i put forward an argument, with examples of the kind of behaviors that your comments about YOUR life exhibit, and you haven't denied it providing logic, because i'm sure you can't.

"Sociopaths are guilt-free and unconnected to constraints that a conscience imposes upon the average human."

even after you are shown your own comments that suggest some pretty grimy stuff, you still try to act disconnected from your actions and opinions you openly claimed.

"Essentially, sociopaths are believed to never have learned the basic societal functions they are expected to carry out and reciprocate. Because this must be learned in the early childhood stages of one’s life, it is impossible to try and teach an adult sociopath the things they never learned as a child."

you can continue laughing with your mom if you want.
Dear random internet person,
I am glad to see that you also have watched the sopranos, and have wikipedia. With that being said sociopath's in true deffiniton are people who fluff up other people, to get what they want for themself as the end result. That's the problem with the sopranos it made a whole generation of HBO bachelor degree psychyotrist such as yourself.

With that being said, I am pretty confused at what point your trying to prove. First I was uneducated, now I'm a ruthless criminal that is obviously trying to get people to do what I want and don't know reality from fiction.

So in my confusion I'm going to do the only thing I know...and that is post a picture of something even more confusing than your ranting that one after the other contradict each other...


That's this rabbit with pancake on head. Why is the pancake on it's head? Did it's owner put it there? Or did it accidently hop on to his breakfast table? Or is his pet shop where he lives located next door to a mcdonalds that was throwing out pancakes? We may never know, just as the world may never know what point your trying to prove, and who your trying to prove it too. Hopefully this picture offered some theraputic relief and I hope this can help you come to terms with whatever your trying to prove.

Deepest regards,
Other random guy from internet you'll never meet but only know by 80mg :lol:

ya i didnt read any of the posts in the last 2 pages... too long and bitchy...

You are aware me and everyone else just think your absolutely retarded right DONKEYkong922?

This was so funny I posted it in the "pix that make you LOL" thread. There getting a good kick out of your...whatever you have. And IM the one who's crazy?...If your "sane" I'll be insane anyday of the week hands down.

Edit: Oh yeah if you wanna see the other people that found it as funny as me, my mom, and our friend here
Thats the LOL thread.