This a Fem?.. Yellowing on couple leaf tips NEW PIX

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I can't say for sure if they are female or male but it does look like it's budding on top.
How old is it?
I'm not sure why the tips are turning yellow. Are you checking water's ph? Maybe you're overwatering?
Here check out this site. It may help you.

Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse

Whats up Bitch??? (i still love that!)
..........................ok to be honest....i just wanted to say hi..:mrgreen:

prolly going to sleep so....holler!



Well-Known Member
Whats up Bitch??? (i still love that!)
..........................ok to be honest....i just wanted to say hi..:mrgreen:

prolly going to sleep so....holler!

Haha..BITCH! I love it too! Not much going on here..i'm getting ready to go to bed soon. It's 4:21am and im smoking a joint. :) what's up with you Blaze?
Hello to you too!


Well-Known Member
Really hard to tell with those pics, Does that bucket have drainage holes in the bottom?

Are you getting enough fresh air wherever your plant is, get as much outside air in there as possible.

Really hard to sex with those pics but check this out

She looks a little over watered, and definitely stretched. If your using CFLs keep them like an inch away from the plants. If your using Any fluorecent lighting keep them within 2-3 inches of the top. I would transplant her into some fresh soil, something nice and light and neutral, get a pot with proper drainage if that one doesnt already have it. The soil should be dry on top well before you water again.

Get some better pics if possible, i cant tell if its a bud or a blur. If it Is female you will notice the unmisakeable white hairs growing from the pistils in the corners of the shoots coming out of the nodes.

I would recommend doing a Lot more research before growing again. The worst thing in the world to do is to plant a seed then try to figure out how to grow it later. If you dont know what to do from germination to crop before you start then you should be doing more research.