This bothers me...


Well-Known Member
QUOTE="PKHydro, post: 11998777, member: 693726"]New liberal Bill Blair just said some scary things. When asked about how he feels, going from a cop to a member of Parliament with a party that plans to legalize, he said, "No that's something that comes from the other side. The liberals plan is strict regulation". He said marijuana is a dangerous drug but the current legislation doesn't work. So they are going to do it better than the current government.[/QUOTE]
...something that comes from the other side? wtf?..the liberal plan is strict regulation...does that sound positive to anyone because it doesn't sound very promising to me....
QUOTE="PKHydro, post: 11998777, member: 693726"]New liberal Bill Blair just said some scary things. When asked about how he feels, going from a cop to a member of Parliament with a party that plans to legalize, he said, "No that's something that comes from the other side. The liberals plan is strict regulation". He said marijuana is a dangerous drug but the current legislation doesn't work. So they are going to do it better than the current government.
...something that comes from the other side? wtf?..the liberal plan is strict regulation...does that sound positive to anyone because it doesn't sound very promising to me....[/QUOTE]

Sounds better to me already.

The thing that jumps out the most, is that he could actually speak. He wasn't muzzled like Harper always did to his party members unless they were used for damage control and spoke tightly scripted talking points.

So maybe, all mp's will get their voice back in the house.

Trudeau, was given an amazing victory, a clear majority so he has the ability to pursue his election promises and get them done. I believe he won't waste this opportunity for his party, himself, and of course all of us. So I think they know Trudeau better deliver.

The swing back from Con land has shown our leaders, we will vote against you to have you removed. We put up with a bunch of crap, but when we're done, were done.

Strict regulation, is far better than strict jail terms.
I can't wait to see what happens for Canada next. I'm confident, we will begin to turn the page on Harper and turn Canada back toward the direction we enjoyed, but lost under Harper.
I was high and all hyped up on ousting harper. Here's the clip, I like what he said about C51, not so much about pot. If you've listened to the science and research then it should be legal period. Definitely not strictly regulated, and a dangerous drug!? C'mon man, the Tylenol you pop everyday is more dangerous than a joint.
My point...they will not allow home grows...and I don't care about rec right now...
My point...they will not allow home grows...and I don't care about rec right now...

We don't know that yet, what we do know is that we have a pledge from the new government to make the whole mj issue better for Canadians and keeping people, may they be patients or rec users out of jail.

It's going to take time, but they have been given the authority needed to fulfill their election promises, so there's no excuse not to.
QUOTE="PKHydro, post: 11998777, member: 693726"]New liberal Bill Blair just said some scary things. When asked about how he feels, going from a cop to a member of Parliament with a party that plans to legalize, he said, "No that's something that comes from the other side. The liberals plan is strict regulation". He said marijuana is a dangerous drug but the current legislation doesn't work. So they are going to do it better than the current government.
...something that comes from the other side? wtf?..the liberal plan is strict regulation...does that sound positive to anyone because it doesn't sound very promising to me....[/QUOTE]
So after they get in they say strict regulation. But before election what was it legalization? Brutal
Legalization covers recreational, it don't mean shit for mmj grows.Blair is a cop who has spent decades enforcing pot laws...he doesn't make the policies. Of course it is going to be regulated...just like booze,smokes and driving your car, but LEGAL. We need to inundate every lib mp with letters not only reminding them of their promise, but telling them what we want.
Patients should put pressure on their MP to settle our dispute. It was the Harper government who filed the appeal against us....they are no the court case even valid anymore? As opposition, the CONs don't have any influence on law, and if the Libs are not interested in pursuing....? Confusing times, but I'm optimistic.
...something that comes from the other side? wtf?..the liberal plan is strict regulation...does that sound positive to anyone because it doesn't sound very promising to me....

Legalization covers recreational, it don't mean shit for mmj grows.Blair is a cop who has spent decades enforcing pot laws...he doesn't make the policies. Of course it is going to be regulated...just like booze,smokes and driving your car, but LEGAL. We need to inundate every lib mp with letters not only reminding them of their promise, but telling them what we want.
Patients should put pressure on their MP to settle our dispute. It was the Harper government who filed the appeal against us....they are no the court case even valid anymore? As opposition, the CONs don't have any influence on law, and if the Libs are not interested in pursuing....? Confusing times, but I'm optimistic.

Any court challenges in front of the courts can be dropped by the new government.
The libs could show good faith by dropping the cases to give med users the peace of mind they need and the rights that have already been given but then disputed by Harpco's ideological views of Mj.

Here's to hoping the gov of Canada decides to end the medimj battle.
Any court challenges in front of the courts can be dropped by the new government.
The libs could show good faith by dropping the cases to give med users the peace of mind they need and the rights that have already been given but then disputed by Harpco's ideological views of Mj.

Here's to hoping the gov of Canada decides to end the medimj battle.
I'm gonna write and demand they do just that- we all should. Educate them on the bs we have been going through and make sure they understand the difference between medical and recreational. If we are loud enough....
all I can say is I hope for all you legal lib lovers is that JT don't work for his ritch commercial friends or the large lp system is not the only one we have, if we don't get to grow at home, the JT votes are a waist, ive been street legal and grown and smoked for 25 yrs and had no issues with cops,
im happy for our brothers & sisters in Canada for getting a government that atleast says they will legalize whether they do or not remains to be seen.In the states its different story.Too many religious fanatics control legislative seats that has demonized cannabis because of lies that was told to their parents & them from greedy businessmen.:peace:
you didn't think it would be any other way did you?
as i posted in the election thread; they've been saying the whole time they're about control and regulation.. dunno how they term that legal, but people clung to the word legal -thinking it would be the true definition of legal, instead of reading into their definition of legal.
to me means they want the cultivation/sales to themselves, everyone else can buy.

maybe maybe.. we'll get some med home-grows allowed, but i do not expect rec grows to be allowed. (which is such BS. lets just let everyone do a small amount if they wish, or we're gonna see the medical marijuana cards abused again)

honestly NDP had a better marijuana stance IMO. but i'm glad the libs are running the show, and i hope they work something decent out for everyone.
whatever they end up doing, i know it will be much better than the cons.
you didn't think it would be any other way did you?
as i posted in the election thread; they've been saying the whole time they're about control and regulation.. dunno how they term that legal, but people clung to the word legal -thinking it would be the true definition of legal, instead of reading into their definition of legal.
to me means they want the cultivation/sales to themselves, everyone else can buy.

maybe maybe.. we'll get some med home-grows allowed, but i do not expect rec grows to be allowed. (which is such BS. lets just let everyone do a small amount if they wish, or we're gonna see the medical marijuana cards abused again)

honestly NDP had a better marijuana stance IMO. but i'm glad the libs are running the show, and i hope they work something decent out for everyone.
whatever they end up doing, i know it will be much better than the cons.
control and regulation goes with legalization. Like I said, it's no different from smokes, booze and driving-all legal, but heavily regulated and taxed. There has been no talk from them about grows or that they won't be allowed. Let's tell them what we want-help them come up with something that works. Colorado has a system that works and allows home grows, no reason it can't work here. Medical is a different animal and they need to fix it now. Every patient should be able to grow their own -no compromise. Recreational is secondary, imo.
They can say I can't grow at home all they want. I'll do what I please. Especially after an Ontario judge just handed out a 10$ fine to a guy growing over his amount. So what's all the fuss about. Really

Although at the end of the day, the final charge was only a $10 fine..... There was still 12+ months of hassle and $1000's in lawyer-fee-costs to the defendant.
I'll take the fine any day, but all the rest of the hassle ... crazy! =O

Especially for something us (med patients) should be allowed to do anyways!
Although at the end of the day, the final charge was only a $10 fine..... There was still 12+ months of hassle and $1000's in lawyer-fee-costs to the defendant.
I'll take the fine any day, but all the rest of the hassle ... crazy! =O

Especially for something us (med patients) should be allowed to do anyways!
What it did was set precendence. That's what I was getting at. So why waste a bunch of $$ going through the courts again. I don't think a judge is gonna hand out sentences to legal med patients who were once allowed to grow at home.(if taken away).