Ok so my veg room is using RandyRocket's closet idea (https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/176444-mother-vegging-clone-attachment-70-a.html). So yall think it will work?
Originally Posted by NewGrowin
Ok here is my thought on how to rearrange my room. Any thoughts? Veg room is using his cloest idea because I'm fairly positive I can fit a hydro system where he has storage, or even keep my resevoir outside of the closet and just drill holes.
Originally Posted by NewGrowin
Ok here is my thought on how to rearrange my room. Any thoughts? Veg room is using his cloest idea because I'm fairly positive I can fit a hydro system where he has storage, or even keep my resevoir outside of the closet and just drill holes.