This Drunk White Guy In A Pickup Explains All You Need To Know About Race And Policing


Well-Known Member
I've seen you say you're black in multiple posts. But if you're not, please accept my apology.

What's wrong Buck, don't you know how to react to a conservative who really wants to see a solution to the race relation problems in the US? No, that doesn't compute for your racist mind, does it?

You are reversing all race relations progress made in the last 30 years for your blind goose-stepping followers here.
LOL Buck is a pasty white metrosexual who lives in pasty white regions of the country.

If you insist on defending yourself against his accusations, that's all you will have time for here. He's a persistent little creeper, so it will go on for as long as you are a member here. It's best to just move along and leave him be. He's like that mangy little dog roaming the neighborhood, he looks hungry but feeding him might be the worst thing you can do.


Well-Known Member
You are reversing all race relations progress made in the last 30 years for your blind goose-stepping followers here.
That's a bigoted and narrow view which ignores the fact that systematically oppressed people had to fight for every inch of progress in a struggle that continues presently. You are suggesting that the struggle for equality has been shared by the oppressors when in fact it is conservative mouthbreathers like you who have resisted it at every turn and in many ways still argue for return to antiquated policy.

I understand if you're too afraid to debate with me and just dismiss my comments by calling me UncleBuck's follower. People who lack intelligence such as yourself rarely have courage.


Well-Known Member
That's a bigoted and narrow view which ignores the fact that systematically oppressed people had to fight for every inch of progress in a struggle that continues presently. You are suggesting that the struggle for equality has been shared by the oppressors when in fact it is conservative mouthbreathers like you who have resisted it at every turn and in many ways still argue for return to antiquated policy.

I understand if you're too afraid to debate with me and just dismiss my comments by calling me UncleBuck's follower. People who lack intelligence such as yourself rarely have courage.
Sir/madam, I lack neither intelligence or courage. But that's neither here nor there.

I NEVER stated, expressly or otherwise, that racial progress in the last 30 years was achieved easily, or without blood shed. I simply stated that progress has been made. And it has.

I remember "White Only" signs above water fountains in Sears stores.

I remember bussed school integration in the 1970s.

Progress has been made. Is there still a long way to go? Yes, there is. But progress has definitely been made in my lifetime.

And to deny it is a slap in the face to all of us conservative white people who want to try and be part of the solution. And yes, there ARE conservative white people who want to be part of the solution.
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Well-Known Member
I NEVER stated, expressly or otherwise, that racial progress in the last 30 years was achieved easily, or without blood shed.
By implying that one internet debate could set back race relations by 30 years you did exactly that. Your comment belies the views you harbor. Progress was not made peacefully. It was made DESPITE the conservative cries against change.


Well-Known Member
And to deny it is a slap in the face to all of us conservative white people who want to try and be part of the solution. And yes, there ARE conservative white people who want to be part of the solution.
I see that you edited this in. That's OK, conservatives are known for thinking slow. I'm happy to deliver that slap. The only solution such people can offer is more systematic and institutional racism.


Well-Known Member
By implying that one internet debate could set back race relations by 30 years you did exactly that. Your comment belies the views you harbor. Progress was not made peacefully. It was made DESPITE the conservative cries against change.
I could see Buck's influence over some of his cronies here having a powerful yet unfounded influence on them. Buck is rather intelligently persuasive...even if he is frequently wrong.


Well-Known Member
I see that you edited this in. That's OK, conservatives are known for thinking slow. I'm happy to deliver that slap. The only solution such people can offer is more systematic and institutional racism.
Please enlighten me then sir. How would YOU describe to a 50-something white male of good (working) means how I should think in this matter when I'm trying to be sympathetic and understand, but also don't want to be blamed for what my ancestors did?


Well-Known Member
Please enlighten me then sir. How would YOU describe to a 50-something white male of good (working) means how I should think in this matter when I'm trying to be sympathetic and understand, but also don't want to be blamed for what my ancestors did?
First off nobody here is blaming you for slavery. I'm only blaming you for being a narrow minded bigot. Secondly, you're only sympathies in this thread are to elderly white men who are not systematically oppressed by institutional racism. Thirdly, you're free to be all of those things, so why all the denial?


Well-Known Member
LOL Buck is a pasty white metrosexual who lives in pasty white regions of the country.

If you insist on defending yourself against his accusations, that's all you will have time for here. He's a persistent little creeper, so it will go on for as long as you are a member here. It's best to just move along and leave him be. He's like that mangy little dog roaming the neighborhood, he looks hungry but feeding him might be the worst thing you can do.
damn you are obsessed with me.

just to correct the record, i am wearing a flannel shirt over thermal underwear with dirty jeans (not yet torn) and $10 shoes. a carhart jacket handed down to me from my dad when i go outside. not exactly metro.

and my census designated area is 45% hispanic, 5% asian, 2% black, and 48% white. nice try.


Well-Known Member
I love how so many people seem to be against slavery, yet not a single person I know, or have ever known has done one thing about slavery. Do you all know that there are more slaves RIGHT NOW than there ever was before in history? Slavery is rampant throughout the world with an estimated 27million slaves. Yet I see no one protesting or taking up the fight.
How is India regarded how it is, when India boasts the highest total of slaves with roughly 14 million?


Well-Known Member
I love how so many people seem to be against slavery, yet not a single person I know, or have ever known has done one thing about slavery. Do you all know that there are more slaves RIGHT NOW than there ever was before in history? Slavery is rampant throughout the world with an estimated 27million slaves. Yet I see no one protesting or taking up the fight.
How is India regarded how it is, when India boasts the highest total of slaves with roughly 14 million?


Well-Known Member
so what are you doing to abolish slavery worldwide, other than being racist against mexicans on a pot website?
I will give ya 1.
I do not buy anything made in india.
So that's 1 more than you.
And i only dislike the illegal ones.
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Well-Known Member
And i am only dislike the illegal ones.
children born in the united states are legal citizens, yet you refer to them by the racial slur of "anchor babies". this proves that what you just said is a lie and you are full of shit.

also, every illegal i have met has a better command of the english language than you, retard.


Well-Known Member
children born in the united states are legal citizens, yet you refer to them by the racial slur of "anchor babies". this proves that what you just said is a lie and you are full of shit.

also, every illegal i have met has a better command of the english language than you, retard.
Not my fault the united states has not figured out like these places(England, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland) have that birthright citizenship should end.
And a illegal would make more typos then me, retard.