This enough light for Veg??


Active Member
Hi all!
I'm currently running 2 plants 3 weeks old with 2 fluoros 18w.
They're fine just slow I think (9cm).
I can only afford 2 more fluoros. Therefore 72W. Is that decent Veg?
Thank you in advance.


Whats up everyone?New to the site and had a few questions about my first attempt for indoor growing since fall is approaching here and my baby outside in my garden is just about done.My main issue is with indoor lighting.As of right now,i just finished germinating 4 seeds of some type of exoctics i got from a friend,so not exactly sure.Right now i have each seed in a decent size styrafoam cup until they grow a little bit.I currently have a 10w cfl on them and i have somewhat of a tinfoil tent around them.Im beyond confused with the watts and everything and im gonna assume 10w right now is probably not enough but what i need to know is what i should be using right now for light as my seeds are just about ready to break thru dirt and then for the rest of the veg phase.Sorry about the long post but if anyone can help an idiot like me out it would be great!Also,i have no set design on my grow area yet i just have the cups on my dvd player in my room under light.Thanks*


Active Member
Hey Samps!
I think you'd better post a thread of your own where more people can engage your subjects more easily.
Anywy, if your using foil, dont use the shiny side, creates heat.
That light should do just fine until the leaves dont show.
I read somewhere that the minimum is 3k lumen +/- 40 W CFL but not sure, hence the post.
I feel like sharing today x)


Hey thanks for the tip 2xM!! So yes i figured for right now my 10 watt cfl should do the trick but how long would you say after leaves start to show? I was thinkin once i get my first sign of leaves i was gonna bump it up to a 26 watt cfl then maybe a little bigger have 2 26 watt cfl in there ...but after that im not sure what i should be running! I saw alotta people say to run a 400 w cfl for the whole vegg stage but idk when to switch to that lol im all over the place! I got my baby outside and its alot easier then indoor ,shes ready to start her flowering in the next month but if you got any more ideas for me i would appreciate it! If not ill hafta look elswhere like you said but thanks anyway!


Well-Known Member
you can pick up 105 (actual wattage) cfls on for 20 bucks a pop. They produce 7000 lumens and are the largest wattage clf that will fit in a standard edison socket. Solid bang for your buck, and yes in my opinion get smore lights your plants will thank you for it.


Well-Known Member
One thing you can do that I did. it saves time and lots of cash. Go to home depot or a home clearance center or something like that. Buy one of those fucked up house lamps with 8 heads or 6 or whats best for you. Take apart that lamp and attach the sockets to a plank of wood. One simple plug. Add in the cfls of your choice. I use 42 watt = 150W. or like Hoss said get them ones.


Well my problem is im very indecisive!I planned on going cfl for my who vegg stage,but no home improvement store around me sells a single 400watt cfl.So what i just did is i picked up a 50 watt "daylight" indacendet bulb(not sure how you spell it) and thats what i am running right now for my 4 seedlings,again im at the start of my indoor grow and my only issue is once these girls start sprouting,im not sure how long i should wait untill i up the wattage or maybe change to a diff bulb.So thats that if anyone has any suggestions for me thatd be great! My other baby outside is pretty self explanatory with the light lol so indoor is new to me and i get so confused with the type of lighting i need lol thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
get a couple of fixtures for andd use 42 wat cfl. the mor ethe better, get daylight for vegg and soft for flowering. from what im told


Active Member
Yep, listen to sticky.
If you meant "incandescent", those just WONT do!
I would leave them on slow wattage until they have at least 1 node ( Excluding the round dicotyledon leafs). You should take some time, sit down, grab some paper and pen, and plan everything within your budget and what you will be able to afford in the future. I doin this for fun, so i ordered LED lights cause i dont want an extra 150-200$ on my electricity bill. x) but that's just me.
PS: You can make a Growbox with whatever o got at your disposal. You tube it. Good Luck.