This guy has a gun and wont show police an ID


Well-Known Member
Which is all the more reason to allow it. Still doesn't affect them performing their lawful and legal duties.
I'm sure it's not the lawful and legal duty they are worried about. Gotta try and control the press so you can spin the outcome.


King Tut
I'm sure it's not the lawful and legal duty they are worried about. Gotta try and control the press so you can spin the outcome.
Agreed. Which is why it should be allowed across the board. If a judge rules otherwise, he needs to pay a price for usurping our freedom imo.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
don't watch SCOTUS much Doc?
Yeah Yeah Yeah. the roberts court is full of evil nasty big government conservatives who want to curtail your freedom to have abortions and create secret undergound fight clubs with the ultimate goal of destroying the 3 credit reporting agencies and all the debt records.

meanwhile obama dreams of a supreme court filled with his cronies who believe that all things are commerce so the feds can regulate everything from cradle to grave, and america will achieve the purity of an ant colony. of course there will still havve to be "lawer infursmint offisers" to quell the food riots, and ensure that nobody hoards the soylent green.