This is a male, right?


Well-Known Member
I think female plants are easier to identify, I'm not sure about the males quite yet so I better ask you. Thanks



Well-Known Member
i see what might form into female parts but i see definite balls so at most you have a hermie... best not to chance it.. if its your only plant though, grow it out a few more weeks and check back... if its 1 of 20 or so i'd say pull it just to be safe


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'll just pull it. I was actually waiting for some males because I need more space in the growroom, thanks guys.

Btw, what part do you think may form into a female part, the 'thing' on the right side of the stem?


Well-Known Member
drunk... i was thinking it could be pistels, but they wouldnt grow there now would they...


Well-Known Member
Hehe, drunk when you could be stoned? ;)

Well, five plants left out of seven. Three C99 females. If only these NYC Diesels could show their sex a little quicker....... right, patience.... you got to have patience when growing.... I keep on forgetting.


Well-Known Member
i wish i could be stoned... you wanna pass some of yours this way, i'd appreciate it... till then....

*tips bottle up*