This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

Of course a child can consent to sex with an adult. It happens quite frequently. Will there be legal repercussions if the adult takes action on that consent? Of course.

Now, if you meant to ask if a child can "legally" consent to sex with an adult, then the answer is no. But, as we all know, you're not very good at this typing your thoughts thing...or just thinking for that matter.
Ask him if it should be illegal for a adult to have consensual sex with a 13 year old child?
I dare you
I've always kinda wondered what all the shots @ robroy were about..what was his quote specifically?

I got a blowjob when I was 14 from a woman in her 40's, it was one of the best expierences in my life..there is no way in hell would I want her charged with a crime.
Rob Roy doesn't think of things in terms of legal or illegal. You need to ask him if he believes it's morally wrong.
Not that I read anything that rob writes these days but OK,
Does Rob think its morally wrong for a 21 year old man to bang a 12 year old girl if she gave her consent -- regardless of the reason for that consent? I'm not going to read his reply but I'm guessing that his answer is basically the same if one substituted morally wrong for illegal.
I've always kinda wondered what all the shots @ robroy were about..what was his quote specifically?

I got a blowjob when I was 14 from a woman in her 40's, it was one of the best expierences in my life..there is no way in hell would I want her charged with a crime.

seriously? i've often been curious regarding this especially with all the women teachers what age, given your "experience" and you were once a boy, would you consider the male child to be off limits?
I've always kinda wondered what all the shots @ robroy were about..what was his quote specifically?

I got a blowjob when I was 14 from a woman in her 40's, it was one of the best expierences in my life..there is no way in hell would I want her charged with a crime.
And if it was your daughter?
I've always kinda wondered what all the shots @ robroy were about..what was his quote specifically?

I got a blowjob when I was 14 from a woman in her 40's, it was one of the best expierences in my life..there is no way in hell would I want her charged with a crime.
What if it was a dude?
seriously? i've often been curious regarding this especially with all the women teachers what age, given your "experience" and you were once a boy, would you consider the male child to be off limits?

I'm not sure, I can only speak for myself.. I wanted to bang a couple of my teachers in high school, always liked older women, still do.
I've always kinda wondered what all the shots @ robroy were about..what was his quote specifically?

I got a blowjob when I was 14 from a woman in her 40's, it was one of the best expierences in my life..there is no way in hell would I want her charged with a crime.
At the age of 14, a boy's decision whether or not to get that BJ is legally not theirs to make. As with MJ, there is no way to prevent a kid from partaking in sex if they really want it. Also, alcohol and heroin. Kids do shit like this. Because kids aren't fully developed in terms understanding the long term effect of what they are doing, they aren't held to the same standard as adults. Its up to adults, all adults, to make the right decisions in the interest of the developing adult. A 14 year-old boys' guardians are the ones responsible to raise a healthy well adjusted man. I don't know if you have kids or not but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want your 14 year old to become involved with an adult.

Sex and the pleasure coming from it cause changes in the brain in regions mostly associated with emotional bonding. These changes are variable from person to person but also stronger in children. Sometimes what that woman did causes emotional harm, especially if the child abuser continued with the relationship and the child forms a bond with the older partner. Sometimes the abuser is a predator and uses their unequal position in the relationship to coerce, manipulate and use the child in harmful ways. So, all told, I'd say you got off lucky (pun intended).

If your parents had found out about your liaison, it would be up to them to decide how much harm you experienced and whether or not to press charges. The justice system generally leaves this decision up to the parents unless there is evidence of parental neglect or abuse. The law is mainly a tool to give parents a way to keep sexual predators away from children. The law says that 40 year old woman must leave 14 year old boys alone. The woman that gave you the BJ is by definition a child abuser. If she had harmed you, your parents had the ability to press charges and gain damages. I'm glad to hear you think that BJ did not cause harm. No STDs, no other issues, good.

Underlying the discussion with Rob is the basic question of whether or not a child can give consent to such an act. He says that they can, although he won't use those words. He also says that a shopkeeper or any business can deny access to their services for whatever reason. The rolling back of protection to equal rights of minorities and stripping the ability of parents to protect kids is at the heart of disagreement with him. His completely hypothetical views on society, views that are unhinged from human behavior or history and narcissistic lack of empathy are disgusting to many, which explains the hard edged replies that RR gets from many on this board. For myself, I've found discussion with RR boring and will not read his posts any more.
I'm not sure, I can only speak for myself.. I wanted to bang a couple of my teachers in high school, always liked older women, still do.
What if it was a priest?
Most victims of child molestation consent to their molester. Rob Roy says as long as the child consents the adult is good to go. He also says. If you try to stop it. You are the transgressor. Fact. If you are an adult and I catch you having sex with my kid. You won't have to worry about legal consequences.
I'm kinda hypocritical on the subj

I'd kill the guy, I'm kinda hypocritical on the subject.. I do tend to view it as creepy when an old man is banging his 15 year old student but I kinda laugh it off when its an attractive female teacher and a teenage boy.
You are very honest