This is how sick MOST religions are ......

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
dude, if you knew a bit about evolution and anthropology and paleontology, you would not be asking these stupid questions. It is all based on how civilizations migrated to different regions beginning over in what is asia and russia today all the across the land to africa and so on. Not every region will be the same and as such so were the people who stayed there. as language evolved so did their ability to communicate and their ability to comprehend more things since the brain also was evolving, you get the picture...

It is a cultural thing. Even though there are hispanics where i live, our culture is very different from the culture down in mexico even though we inherent the same blood and gene pool...
errrrr i think you misunderstood my point or i didnt make it quite clear ( although i find it amusing a christian quotes evolution lol ) what i mean is why havent all the religions got together and thought , fuckin ell someone must be wrong here all these different gods claiming they created everything and they are the one to worship and follow , only one can be tellin the truth lol
i can remember being about 6 years old and being taught in school about various other religions and i instantly thought ' how can this be possible , my christian god created this universe not these scam artists ' then obviousley as i got older i learnt about all the ancient gods that were believed to be around before my god had even created this fuckin place lol and everything started to add up ( its all lies lol ) so what im gettin at is how can you possibly think your god is the real one , when theres so many others out there to worship and depending on what land mass you're born on usually dictates which one of these lies you will end up worshiping ? :lol: