This Is How You Know The End Is Near


Active Member
I didnt do a whole lot of reading on it, but are you familiar with Kent Hovind? I have friends who believe every word that comes out of his mouth, i just dont know...


Well-Known Member
yeah how do you decipher 666? Look...its a 6, then another 6, then another 6. Retarded people looking for retarded answers to retarded questions (thats how i break it down). Fucking idiots. Sorry. Just stopped smoking 3 days ago.


Active Member
dudes now i am really trippin out beonce looks like a fukkin demon tell me you are kiddin this shyt isnt even cool i think 2012 is true man, i am gifted with the 6th sense an i have been gettin warnin signs alot from spirits. i am really tweaking ive been losin sleep cuz of the warnings an now this , man tell me this was joke intended


Well-Known Member
Anyone who is thinking the end is near is a self deluding fool who is just too much of a coward to take responsibility for the rest of their lives as they grow old. Your strain is making you paranoid, grow another breeders shit cause you can' thandle yours you paranoid fool!


All i know is I hope God dosnt consider smoking pot a sin....... I think Im good to go besides that lol


Well-Known Member
God sees using the internet and ever looking at a tv as a sin. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The Potologist

Active Member
Near or not, you will never catch me as a "christian". And if the "end" is a will on the universe, I have total faith in that it has absolutely nothing to do with a "god" that no human alive or dead can prove is actual REAL! Moreso, if this planet is going to come to a "end" ( which my idea of "end" is nothing to do with biblical propaganda) I have a feeling it will be of science( Meteoroids, the sun, cosmic explosion...etc) and not of some fictional character!

Peace, Love, and Happiness


dude, you really could have conveyed this information better, OP.

anyway, i'm lawling at the people who are saying it's beneficial for the government to put chips in our bodies.


Active Member
anyone who thinks each human being is judged individually by a white bearded god at pearly gates who either hands you a lolli pop or a spanking, is welcome to come to a seminar i'm hosting at the motel 6... I have some open land for sale! lol


Active Member
look at all the signs. all these coal mine explosions, terrorism, war spreading to pakistan now, earthquakes, volcanos..i mean fuck what more do you need fire raining down? i think everyone senses something terrible...

All these things have either been here since the dawn of earth, or are man-made, nothings gonna happen unless its already gonna happen anyway