yeah shes starting to get there... not alot of smell with this one... think its just the strain... cause almost every plant ive grown up till this point has stunk to high heaven... shes starting to get there... cant touch her without my fingers smelling...Hey man, Ive enjoyed watching this topic amazing to see it from seed to thisI'm gonna start my grow soon.
Question: Hows the smell? i understanding she will start to be pungent about now
your temp gets down to 27 goddamn hahai put a small thermometer and hygrometer in the room and here are the numbers...
temps are around 83-85 during day and 25-27 @ night... humidity is about 55-57% i know it should be higher, i'm trying to get it there... still dont know what the ph is... cant find anywhere to get a meter here...
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leaves are doing ok.. still just a slight bit of yellowing at some tips, but nothing too bad... i also trimmed off the bottom two branches as the buds were very small and would have produced nothing ( i am trying to root them elsewhere and possibly keep them going). lemme know what u think...
(sorry.. im thats 25-27 celcius... about 78-80 Fahrenheit...your temp gets down to 27 goddamn haha