this is my first grow


hi everyone!! this is my first time growing and need to know if someone can look at my pics and tell me if they look good or if i need to do something to my plants.. i just took the pics about 3 hours ago.. my are aroung 4 and a half weeks along now..please help!!!!!!! i want to be able to smoke it at some point


Well-Known Member
Nice man. I like the shot of the flower room. You may want to look for that macro setting on the camera for the close ups. or back of a tad.


Well-Known Member
both areas are flowering now.dont have alot of room to work with. in the smaller area hight is only 4 foot there. hoppen they can stay in there only 2 weeks then maybe the others will be done, and i can move them over.I did top 2 of them just to see what would happen:-? first week for them in flower. Also in both areas hight is a problem.the bushmaster i gave them, stunted their growth hight wise.bud are getting thicker each week. Havent give the BM to any others 2 of them, i tied a string at bottom and at top and bent them a bit, now letting her bend her self.seems to be working its giveing me a couple of inches to wrk with. For sure i see the inportance of starting flower way sooner.Next go round for sure. Im thinking once a plant gets about 12-16 inches tall its ready what you think?


Well-Known Member
these are pics of both areas in you can see one in higher than the other with the baby area up above it. I guess my biggest problem is figureing out how much these areas can grow effiency,and how much is enough,right. It will get better as i go along, im sure..Moved to out side this week end 1 blue berry and a bag week. Have 2 more spots for another blue berry and a crystal. just let them go too see how big they get. Ill be including those pic soon.



Well-Known Member
hey cruz.whats up have a few questions if you got time. 1 electric bill- i have 220 in barn and 110,will it be cheaper to run my ballast off 220, or 110? Currently im running on 110. I have 2 400 hps lights with 2 fans, and up top a 5t 4 bulb florescent grow light, going to put a little fan up top today. Now the flour light runs24/7 others are on 12/12 right now. Hopen i ca keep the babes up there for 2 weeks,before i move them down to the small flower area and move the other over to big area, and hopefully pull those out. hey it will be my FIRST!!!! sun day will start 7th week in flower. 2nd- flowering-. , im not seeing allot of bud growth right now on the bigger lades right now should i be feeding them more of nute at feeding time? Right now im use 15-20 mls per gal should i be at 30 mls now buy this time..Is their any thing else that would increase the growth? 3rd trimming - if i trim some of the fan leaves up top more light will get through to lower branchiest is that a plus of minus on the plant,will trimming stress the plant? will topping a plant stress her? how about topping will in flower? early say 1rst week. to what age can i trim her in flower? Is it best to top very early in veg? seedling and clones? Think thats enough schooling today thank teach lol sorry for the long winded thread. have a good day later.


Well-Known Member
hey cruz.whats up have a few questions if you got time. 1 electric bill- i have 220 in barn and 110,will it be cheaper to run my ballast off 220, or 110? Currently im running on 110. I have 2 400 hps lights with 2 fans, and up top a 5t 4 bulb florescent grow light, going to put a little fan up top today. Now the flour light runs24/7 others are on 12/12 right now. Hopen i ca keep the babes up there for 2 weeks,before i move them down to the small flower area and move the other over to big area, and hopefully pull those out. hey it will be my FIRST!!!! sun day will start 7th week in flower. 2nd- flowering-. , im not seeing allot of bud growth right now on the bigger lades right now should i be feeding them more of nute at feeding time? Right now im use 15-20 mls per gal should i be at 30 mls now buy this time..Is their any thing else that would increase the growth? 3rd trimming - if i trim some of the fan leaves up top more light will get through to lower branchiest is that a plus of minus on the plant,will trimming stress the plant? will topping a plant stress her? how about topping will in flower? early say 1rst week. to what age can i trim her in flower? Is it best to top very early in veg? seedling and clones? Think thats enough schooling today thank teach lol sorry for the long winded thread. have a good day later.

Hey bud,

I know you asked me these questions before and I replied but I just went to find it and I couldn't. Weird. I checked pms and journals... whatever.

Changing over to 220V would save a little like 10% or so. The reason large growers do it is because of the amps. it draws like 4.2 amps and you can use twice as many lights on the same circuit. If you plan on staying small I don't think it would be worth it. Where I live the electric company charges less at night. I think 7:00 is the cutoff.
By changing your flowering cycle to pm you may be able to save some.

Pruning is done in veg, not flower. Always give the plant a week or two to recover when you do.
In flower all I take is the lower fan leaves once they become half yellow. The upper fan leaves feed the stalk that feeds the buds. You want to keep those.

In the last couple weeks they will bulk up. One thing you may want to try is dropping the lights to within 10" of the top it doesn't have to be directly overhead either. By changing the day cycle to 11 hours that last couple weeks helps too. Plants make resin in the dark. In flower plants need a little it more water too. If your leaves are not burnt on the tips you can go a little stronger with the nutes but I wouldn't this grow.

I would finish them as they are and then next time try it. Thats how I figure shit out. trial and error. The error part sucks though if you don't get the nutes out. There are so many variables I would think you need a successful grow to compare it to.

PS If those clones have started growing then drop your light to a few inches away.


Well-Known Member
all ready did dropt it to 6' off top to see how hot it gets.I put a small fan on them,when their closed up at night, and make strong stock. This super thai skunk is growing quick. i toped her the other day,going to top all the rest this week end, 27 up there,8 bag clones, 5 blue berry,2 thai ss ,4 blue cheese,8 crystal. one of the crystal and one blue cheese goes out side with others.Figured i would use those for mothers for the year.keep one thai for a mother in side. should do me for a while. Getting better at clones, havent had a 100% yet lost one the other day. 1 out of 8, not to bad.
hey I was nt getting any new growth all flowers, come to fine out i had nute lock, shop guy gave me some clearex from botanic and flushed them out and 2 days later new growth on flowers yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.So hears my Question How many time do you flush a plant from start to finnish? every 2 weeks, every 21 days,ect. Im going to get a new camera with micro opions for better pics will post then.


Well-Known Member

Not bad one out of eight.

Good to hear you found out your problem. Ya know, you really have to be there when you go to figure this shit out sometimes. Then you can see whats up.

Flushing, I do it once a day if I am lucky. lol No, The idea is when you messed up to start over. nute lock? whatever you flush when your not satisfied with the growth this makes the plant use up whats left and start fresh.

Another thing that stunts growth is not enough co2 in the air. spraying for spider mites and not washing it off will do it too.

I am a hydro grower so most of what I picked up was for that type of grow. Soil grow is similar but your fixes with nutrients take longer to take affect and you are dealing with different insect issues. But I will still give you my 2 cents.

good luck on the camera hunt.



Well-Known Member
dude you have helped more than you know and i really appreciate all that you'ev done,info wise. and after im done this all this im moving to hydro,but theres allot to deal with here right now so,but soon. and if you havent noetics your the only one who actually gives thanks i post new pic soon with a new cam, that new growth is full of pistols


Well-Known Member
cool man. I learned just about everything here.
I have a question for you now,
So how much for the ocean front property?


Well-Known Member
loll buying this property is cheat 2 nuggets per acre, but deep sea fishing off the coast of oklahoma priceless!


Well-Known Member
hey bud plants are doing there thing buds are getting nice. both flower ares are going.,im needing to move the 4 over to the bigger area but dont want to over crowded it but soon ill have no choice,running out of hight in 2nd flower area. then they will take off being i cant lower that light due to the plants all ready in there. But o well.Question.when come time to harvest these 3 soon will it hurt the younger ones if they get 24 to 36 hours of darken before i pull them,then reset it for the rest thats in there, witch will be blue berry and a crystal, both have started to bud out. starting 3 week on sunday..In main flower area there are 3- starting there 8th week 1 on it 5 week,it looks like a cats tail, being the way i have it tide up. its going to look allosome when finished. Janked that male.going to replace it with another blue berry, going to put a blue cheese out there to, along with a crystal. and use them for mothers, for the year.


Well-Known Member
all my clones are going well under the 5t florescent,and yet another reason i need that area, going to flower all ant the same time ,my plan was to not let them get big this time so hight wont be a prob.kind like a sea of green. there will be 19 plants at one time going to flower.So i need to keep them small i all ready toped most of them and going to top the rest tomorrow. have 2 of them thai s skunks in there,going to get a couple clones from them before they go to flower.
Right now they are about 4-6 inchest tall some 8 they got toped to slow them down a bit, i saw fdd put some chicken wire across the top of them then let them grow through im thinking on doing that to slow the hight growth


Well-Known Member
so its been a while but heres some new pics of first flower area there are 8 plants.1rst and 2nd grows are in there. 3 that are 9 weeks in flower -1 is at 7 and others at 4 weeks. the other area has 18 in there going to take clones and then send them to flower in about a week. all 18 have been topped at early age. 3 i topped and they came back with 3 tops, cool huh. all are females with one i dont know its a thai skunk but will see. Its growing fast.. cant wait for harvest. just one more day, i keep telling my self, and each day they look even better.



Well-Known Member
Now your talking,
Yes very cool. That blueberry mom looks sweet.

I know what you mean by waiting just one more day... Sometimes I do that for weeks. Ha!
You know these last few weeks is where they pack on the weight. Why not wait a bit longer. After all growing the buds is what its all about.

Nice pics of the buds by the way. Looks like you got the camera thing down.