This Is My Grow. There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine. 2k On Light ,Mover


I have been busy!

I don't get overly involved in online forums, but I might change that. I am in CA and I would like to get more involved with members of the community who are as passionate and dedicated to growing as I am.

Back in my home state, I was always confined to small spaces to keep things hush hush and minimize risk. I quickly caught on to how great simple DIY aquamist bins are after watching seemorebuds about fifty times. When I arrived here, I chose to start a bunch of plants in soil because I wanted some stability for my first grow in my new location. What a mistake! Though I love soil finished meds I really wish I had stuck to my home made bins!

In the end, my vision will be to have 8 of these bins running:

A very good read!

I will be running a perpetual harvest on a 2 week cycle using 8 week strains with intent to harvest 50 or 60 plants every 2 weeks. (I may decide to just put 25 plants in each bin.)

I feel like am using my space very well with the aid of a light mover and some massive reflectors. (14' long, 7' high, 8 ' wide). I have plenty of space for more plants at the moment. I plan to add at LEAST 25 more plants in the next 2 weeks after I build my first DIY aero bin.

I'm running the Advanced nutrient line and depending on how well it works in my small home made aero bin in the photos, I will continue to use it once I switch to an all aero system.

You can see I get pretty liberal with my LST methods. These things are tied up to the max. I love playing with the growth of the plant. I spend a lot of time with my plants. This allows me to pay constant attention for bugs and other problems not readily present at first glance. I have 4 strains here: 16x Ken's Grand Daddy Purple, 6x Buddah, a 100% sativa with 12 week flower period, Head Band Kush, and some Bubba Kush cross I am not sure about. You can see that I manage to keep my canopy very even but I expect this to change as we progress further into flowering.

I am just shy of 2 weeks here in these photos. I vegged the ones in dirt for 3 weeks.

They are in vital earth potting soil mixed with soiless and pearlite. I used a lot of perlite and I like the results. The soil is very nice and I can tell the plants like the extra oxygen they get in the fluffier mix. I know it's not TOO fluffy because I am only having to water every 5 days or so. I can't WAIT until next feeding; they are gonna get 1000ppm and I expect things to explode after that! I am not that experienced with soil, but I am getting better!

In the beginning some mites kind of had their way with them, and I made the mistake of over feeding them. I hit the mites with some bug bombs and neem oil. They have not come back. I repeated this process 3 times. The weather also took a turn in my favor as it is much cooler and more humid than when the mites were present. I am being very careful to look for mites as I approach weeks 3 and 4 of flowering. So far so good, but I know those fuckers are there

Anyways, on to the photos. Please! Be critical of my methods as I am constantly seeking to improve, as well as help others improve there own.


You can see I keep my lamps CLOSE!



These eco plus wall mount fans are totally worth the money. ($60 or so)




This thermometer has a diode that hangs just below the lights. The main body of it is hung on the light mover. This way I get a temperature of the canopy AND the air at the top of my room. This is about as hot as I let it get in here.


Meticulous records are key!

My home made aero bin with 6 GDP's @ 4 weeks of veg 1 week into flowering. I expect 3 or 4 oz a plant here.

This is where the fresh air comes in. I left it half covered by the reflective material because I like the way it forces the air to be disbursed all over the room.

I keep my lights CLOSE. I have not burned ONE leaf even keeping these 1000w HPS lights just a few inches from the top of my plants. I am not sure how well the light mover will work, but I am hoping it will work very well!

You can see in the photos that there are no intake/exhaust fans in my room. This is because I was able to mount them outside of the room in a crawlspace in the basement. What a great way to save space. Fresh air is pulled in through a heppa filter that is in a shed outside. I have a LOT of head room with my temperature. I could easily add more lighting to this room at any time if I could utilize the space efficiently.

I am working towards a goal of pulling 4 to 5 pounds out of this room under just 2 lights every month or so once I install all of my DIY aeroponic bins.

Anyways, hope to get some comments from the gurus out there.

Keep growing everyone!



I am afraid some root aphids have had their way with my garden. It's a huge kick in the balls and my plants look like hell. I thought I was dealing with a simple fungus gnat infestation because the adult aphids grow wings and fly around your garden and look just like gnats. I laid sand down over the pots. I switched nutrients because I thought the deficiencies were a result of what I was using. When that didn't help the plants basically stopped growing. I didn't even know what I had until the bugs got into my hydro system and I could see them crawling on the roots.

I have never had to deal with these pests before and it quickly became a nightmare. Things are not going my way but I think I at least have them under control now and the plants finally seem to be growing again just a couple of weeks from harvest. I am praying that they swell up a lot during these weeks. I am basically going to scrap the whole garden and start fresh. The next generation is being treated with azatrol and I might try predatory nematodes. What a crock of shit. I hate bugs. I am sure they came with my clones, which interestingly enough, I purchased at a dispensary. Pisses me off so bad. The adults will grow wings and fly around and get stuck in your plants sticky crystals. It's so fucking annoying. Hitler and Satan got together to create these pests for cannabis growers.

Anyways, there's nothing I am happy about taking a picture of, I am pretty depressed but I am not giving up.

If you get root aphids, you will hate it. I have spent hours and hours and a lot of money trying to trouble shoot the problem. IMO they are worse than mites, because you can't see them. My plants exhibited a cal deficiency and I treated them with cal-mag and it did no good. I leached the soil, that did very little. Finally when I realized what was going on, about 3 weeks too late, I flushed the soil again with azatrol, sm90, and H202. That seemed to at least seriously knock the population down because I don't see them flying around in numbers any more, but I know they are there.

Anyways, I am sure the 2nd run will be better as I take preventative measures to control these bugs.




Well-Known Member
stick in there man! These impressive ops aren't easy, but once they get going the reward seems worth it :)


Well-Known Member
Years ago, before I began growing, I debated for a long time whether to go with soil or hydroponics. This is one of those exact reasons why I never wanted to mess with soil. You mentioned that you believe it was from the clone you purchased, but I'm almost certain it has a lot (if not everything) to do with the soil:leaf: