this is my set-up with pic tell me what u think..

ok i got a few seeds out of good ass homegrown took me months to get 5 seeds an was like ok well ima plant em i got ffof a 2ft shop light with 2 17w t8s i think only 4 of em are gonna germinate but two already popped an have about an inch tail on them i planted them into the ffof mixed 4 to 1 with perlite i got em in plastic cups with holes at bottom an i have the 2 cups for now in a custom contraption jus to help with temp an light which temp im jus runnin warm watever the light brings it to an its on 24/0 rite now till they break out the soil some the light are about 4 an a half inches from cup an 5 an a half from the soil ive watered it wen i planted em an then a lil dribble after but not since its been bout 30 hours how am i doin all info tips comments an honest truth even if its a lil harsh be honest if u kno the tricks teach me hungry for knowledge..



Active Member
You don't need light untill they sprout out the dirt. Then are you gonna use that light for the whole grow? Where are u gonna grow them?


Active Member
Couple of things for you from my own experience....

1. Foil is not good to use, it doesnt reflect the light in a manor that is going to benefit the plant.
2. T8's are ok to use, you would be better of with a twin batton ( 2 x 55w T5's ) would be perfect.
3. Have you ever seen a day outside where the sun is beaming for 24 hours ? No, so is there any point to running your light for that period ? Your trying to mimic the outdoor environment.
4. The main thing with watering/feeding is to not overfeed, its not the amount of water given its the consistency of the times it gets feed that is crucial, give a solid watering every 2 days. stick to this routine.
5. Good luck, your on your way, you will need to purchase a hps lamp for flowering, i would recomend a 600w for your 2 plants.
money was tight so thats what i started with im lookin for info to get better results im gonna grow them were they are now its a closet thats empty there on one side an so how long rite now should i have the light on for?


Active Member
no, t5 need a different fixture. If your going cfl, I would get some 6500k sprial bulbs (3000k for flower), in y adaptors. Cheaper and can be placed in different spots.


Well-Known Member
get the 8 pack and use em all. the more light the better. get a nice little fan in there as well, cfls will get hot pretty quick to spite what people say. pick up a temp/humidity meter at walmart for like 7 bucks, it will record the high and low of each, which will help a lot.

put a similar cup of soil next to your plant, dry and no plant in it. then just water your planted cup when it is of similar weight to the dry one. or pick up a hydrometer from lowes or home depot. it basically says exactly when you need to water, i live by the thing and again only about 6 bucks.

have the light on a timer for 18 hour days, the plants will grow a good bit when its dark.
ok ok thank you um this is personal an i really want some kill i got my seeds out some really good home grown it took me along time to find nice seeds anything else i can do to make it amazing buds


Active Member
put a similar cup of soil next to your plant, dry and no plant in it. then just water your planted cup when it is of similar weight to the dry one. or pick up a hydrometer from lowes or home depot. it basically says exactly when you need to water, i live by the thing and again only about 6 bucks....
That's a damn good idea! I was literally just thinking of how I could check the soil in a party cup lol. =)
ok well one of them have sprouted an its bout 3/4 of an inch im using 20hours light on an 4 offi havent watered since i planted the seed today is the 3rd day


If you are on a budget, go get more shop lights same as yours. If you are using 2' bulbs then you are going for 4x T8 2' 2 bulb fixtures. I grew over an OZ with the setup I just described. I used 4' tubes and only ended up 1 female to fill a 2'x2' space. This setup allows you to expand your grow as your plants get larger. You wont have any issues with heat and you can use this equipment to veg later in time.

I would also add, only grow 1 female with that space. When you flatten out the canopy of a plant it takes up more floor space.

This setup worked for me man, and I was able to harvest enough to pay off what I put into it and if I had chosen to, pay for a 400watt HPS and all the cooling to run it.

I went with 6 bulb T8 fixtures for my next grow. 14x 6 bulb fixtures actually.
ok both the plants r out the cup now one is almost a inch tall wit a thick lookin stem an looks tuff the other one however looks like it had a tuff time comin out the soil i took a lil soil off the top an found the one laid over on its side so i think the soil held it down i fixed it upright an im hopin it will grow towards the light an straighten out an wat do i do to prevent nute burn from the ffof?
yuh i kno one seed is out of homegrown it came out real good it was purple an we found like 1 seed per 8th an the other from a strain of so called trainwreck haha but it was kill kill also im jus tryin to grow some super kill for personal ya kno


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;5049274 said:
Couple of things for you from my own experience....

1. Foil is not good to use, it doesnt reflect the light in a manor that is going to benefit the plant.

3. Have you ever seen a day outside where the sun is beaming for 24 hours ? No, so is there any point to running your light for that period ? Your trying to mimic the outdoor environment.

5. Good luck, your on your way, you will need to purchase a hps lamp for flowering, i would recomend a 600w for your 2 plants.
+1!! Mylar is cheap, or flat white paint.!
Try running 24/0 with no dark period you'll see a difference in growth. Marijuana doesn't need a dark period for growth their one of those plants that can do continuous light. CFL'S can grow some great crop's

Your set up looks good. If your looking to get some cfl's and you need some lamps go to home depot and get some clamp lamps they work well and you can run 2 cfl's per lamp cost about 8 bucks per lamp. Just make sure you check to see what the max watts they can handle.
You can get some 300 watt cfl's and you'll get nice growth and budding. If I find my camera I'll show you some A.I form CFL's with 24/0 light they'll water you mouth man!! (I'll show ya tomorrow!)

Try running 24/0 you'll see the difference in growth! I run 24/0 and I've always have had faster growth rather then a off period. Marijuana is one of the plants that doesn't need a dark period for growth
ok now but listen to this i germinated the seeds an then planted them i left the light on for 2 days straight then shut light off at 4 am an back on at 8 am now when the light went on at 8 there was nothin by 4 pm the one was 3/4 of an inch an the other was fallen over an smaller the dirt on top looked to be holdin it from growing up i cleared a path not sure if it will pick it self up but the other one has a straight good looking stem how many cfls should i use an wen i get them i should not have to use the tin foil contraption i did that to help wit temp but i have wood floors but if i get how mnay cfls i shouldnt need to worry rite the room has white walls


sockets or lamp holders? you can use the same lamp holders as you can with incandescent with a 42W CFL.