this is my setup basement setup


Well-Known Member
Nice, can we have a peak inside? Ic brite lights but no plants or fixtures... do you have a journal going or plan on starting one?

Good luck to you and your grow!


Well-Known Member
wish i had space like that! ya i was going to ask is that stealth? lol but for real with all that light you will have some good bud!


Well-Known Member
i have a basement somewhat similar to that but a little smaller but thers like dead spiders n stuff down there do you think spiders would damage the plants, and its also prety cold down there would i need alot of lights to heat it up?
LOL.. sry but that just looks like a half ass effort imho.. All those holes and light leaks are gonna lead to a really shitty experience.. WTF is the black cover? Hefty Garbage Bags?

Thats just my opinion .. If you fix those light leaks you will much better experience.


Active Member
2 1\2 months and it's only a foot tall??

dude, your doing something seriously wrong...i've got clones taken 7\12 and they're 2ft tall right must be keeping the lights to low on them, 2 1\2 months they should be 3-4 ft tall.