This is war

In other words,

Your persistently harassing people to vote for clinton...

most everyone i talked to today had voted already. i checked them off the list, they thanked me, swore off trump a little, and i moved on.

not a single hostile response today, or ever.
lol Buck you kill me, lol . I must admit your entertaining . We already know she is going to win her witch state
But she is not going to win the election ..
I am just thinking you should be out canvasing Compton in couple hrs , you can find them better around 10 ish witch-hillary.jpg
this happened to hillary once. she stood firm, faced it down without flinching, and then made a joke about trump's loser kids.
LOOOOL she does the chicken bobble head at every negative comment she gets.

She is blatantly a coward and everyone knows it.

You really are deluded and your fucked if trump wins so that's why your harassing innocent people to vote for a evil warmongering banshee.

Obamas revolution is over...

The british are taking their country back and now the americans are...

Your dreams of a gay fairy wonderland are fading by the hour and you cant do anything about it ;)

LOOOOL she does the chicken bobble head at every negative comment she gets.

She is blatantly a coward and everyone knows it.

You really are deluded and your fucked if trump wins so that's why your harassing innocent people to vote for a evil warmongering banshee.

Obamas revolution is over...

The british are taking their country back and now the americans are...

Your dreams of a gay fairy wonderland are fading by the hour and you cant do anything about it ;)


this clip is gonna run over and over and over.

trump runs away like a bitch, full panic mode.
Hillary would of nuked em...

In other words,

Your persistently harassing people to vote for clinton...

LOOOOL she does the chicken bobble head at every negative comment she gets.

She is blatantly a coward and everyone knows it.

You really are deluded and your fucked if trump wins so that's why your harassing innocent people to vote for a evil warmongering banshee.

Obamas revolution is over...

The british are taking their country back and now the americans are...

Your dreams of a gay fairy wonderland are fading by the hour and you cant do anything about it ;)


Remember that time we shaved your head? I wanted one more 'ride' before I sold you the the nazis....

Of course there is going to be a war and as most democrats will do. is point the finger the other way Yup trump is starting a war

Donald Trump is set to win this election by a landslide, so forces inside the corrupt government regime currently occupying Washington are working overtime to try to disrupt the election by any means necessary.

As history has repeatedly shown, when the U.S. government wants to achieve a political outcome (destroying talk radio, confiscating guns, denigrating white people, etc.), they justroll out a mass shooting or terror attack of some sortto disrupt current events, change the narrative, and invoke the emotional response from the public that gives them the support to expand their own unconstitutional power. It works like clockwork for the simple reason that many people are so incredibly gullible and uninformed that they stupidly believe anything CNN tells them.

Now, with Donald Trump clearly positioned to achieve a stunning victory against a criminal cartel of Clinton operatives who are likely to soon find themselves in prison, the Obama administration is unleashing every trick in the book to halt an inevitable Trump victory (and the downfall of the Obama / Clinton racketeering enterprise) and save the Clintons from being indicted.

Talk about delusional, it may be a landslide but it's for the other candidate.
Of course there is going to be a war and as most democrats will do. is point the finger the other way Yup trump is starting a war

Donald Trump is set to win this election by a landslide, so forces inside the corrupt government regime currently occupying Washington are working overtime to try to disrupt the election by any means necessary.

As history has repeatedly shown, when the U.S. government wants to achieve a political outcome (destroying talk radio, confiscating guns, denigrating white people, etc.), they justroll out a mass shooting or terror attack of some sortto disrupt current events, change the narrative, and invoke the emotional response from the public that gives them the support to expand their own unconstitutional power. It works like clockwork for the simple reason that many people are so incredibly gullible and uninformed that they stupidly believe anything CNN tells them.

Now, with Donald Trump clearly positioned to achieve a stunning victory against a criminal cartel of Clinton operatives who are likely to soon find themselves in prison, the Obama administration is unleashing every trick in the book to halt an inevitable Trump victory (and the downfall of the Obama / Clinton racketeering enterprise) and save the Clintons from being indicted.

Too inane/NObody cares

So retard i am Solo ):

i am dummy from united states east coast area
LOOOOL she does the chicken bobble head at every negative comment she gets.

She is blatantly a coward and everyone knows it.

You really are deluded and your fucked if trump wins so that's why your harassing innocent people to vote for a evil warmongering banshee.

Obamas revolution is over...

The british are taking their country back and now the americans are...

Your dreams of a gay fairy wonderland are fading by the hour and you cant do anything about it ;)


eating lots of cake over there today?

If only your pathetic lazy ass ancestors had gotten on one of those boats instead of staying behind to keep stealing horses, you might actually have gotten to vote in this election.
Of course there is going to be a war and as most democrats will do. is point the finger the other way Yup trump is starting a war

Donald Trump is set to win this election by a landslide, so forces inside the corrupt government regime currently occupying Washington are working overtime to try to disrupt the election by any means necessary.

As history has repeatedly shown, when the U.S. government wants to achieve a political outcome (destroying talk radio, confiscating guns, denigrating white people, etc.), they justroll out a mass shooting or terror attack of some sortto disrupt current events, change the narrative, and invoke the emotional response from the public that gives them the support to expand their own unconstitutional power. It works like clockwork for the simple reason that many people are so incredibly gullible and uninformed that they stupidly believe anything CNN tells them.

Now, with Donald Trump clearly positioned to achieve a stunning victory against a criminal cartel of Clinton operatives who are likely to soon find themselves in prison, the Obama administration is unleashing every trick in the book to halt an inevitable Trump victory (and the downfall of the Obama / Clinton racketeering enterprise) and save the Clintons from being indicted.

Reported as SPAM. You've posted this same drivel dozens of times.

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