This is war

My mum is Hillary Clinton so she is gunna use her powers of corruption. ;)
It's in the leaked emails that she blackmailed him lol

Utter fail...


Yeah lol if american civilians have no guns then the government could literally do anything they like without the threat of revolution!

She wants total control.

She needs to be stopped!

I guarantee I provide more to society than your entire pig family ;)

No I'm in communication with a non bias admin to hopefully have you lot kicked and sunni to have disciplinary action taken against her.

See how you pathetic children deal with being kicked lol


I guarantee I provide more to society than your entire pig family ;)


Yes i agree Olive, but thank god congress is there for final say . One cannot deny Hillary will abolish the second amendment
lets face it even if your a Clinton supporter does it not bother you at all .
That she is a power hungry untrustworthy person.

What is happening right now is a revolution but with out guns
And thanks to the patriotic people from all areas of the Gov, Military, and the intelligence community.

They had enough, people should of caught on when the twin towers especially the 3rd tower dropped that was a test , and everyone bought it .
That opened the door the citizens have no say in anything never have and never will .
Death n taxes and a sec number is all you are to them .

Casualty of war is all we are

But i am telling you its going to be a Tie

I'll no longer waste precious seconds of life replying to/mocking your babble as the scene has grown (terribly) stale; I bid you farewell, flesh failure ~

Just remember: You can't spell 'British Colonialism' without bitch colon!
Where did he lose ??? from what i am seeing its become a very close race.
Or are you from the future ,
Cause my instincts are telling me its going to be a tie 269 - 269 and Congress will decide who is going to be the next president .

So as to not make a mockery out of United states, Because every country in the world is laughing at you all .Right now .

This will allow enough time fo FBI to conclude evidence to Congress and Hillary to be arrested

If you think she is getting off the hook this time , Your going to be mad bro , lol because little do you know .
when congress decides well you be the judge Because i think Your gong to be Very Very mad

The 2014 elections gave theRepublicanscontrol of the Senate (and control of both houses ofCongress) for the first time since the 109thCongress. With 247 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats

Why do you think it was so hard or Obama to make change it was always struck down by congress :)


can we please ban this 2anonymous sock puppet already? it's too stupid to exist.