This is what happen when u elected anyone else but Ron Paul!!!!


Well-Known Member
I thought all paulywogs disappeared'd!

Paulywogs. n.

A small, but frantic group of internet tadpoles, who spend their days and nights hyped up on crystal meth, and posting their nonsense all over the internets, to make it look like Ron Paul actually has a chance in hell of winning the election. Once Ron Paul finishes in 7th place for just for the Republican nomination, Paulywogs will immediately cease to exist in this realm, and will return to their rightful home, in the World of Warcraft.

Seriously, enough is enough.
Political Slang definitions. N.
having the ability to have enough people who support a candidate so they can achieve a name which could be positive or negative.... if i didnt say it right there. then tell me how could you classify someone as a paulywog, if many did not have the same thoughts.??...
just because he does not make popular choices. in what I myself consider a group of the least inteligent generation of americans, does not make him a loser or w/e bad thing you choose to call him. he has actually spent more time on economic boards than almost any other candidate,Reagan had campaigned for him (idk why all the republicans liked him so much, but he actually campaigned for ron paul) a doctor who has delievered babies and other things under his doctorate, and represents what republicans used to believe in.. since being hijacked by neo-conservatives.
both parties have been hijacked if you look at the history of politics. (but many tend not to care to, which i dont blame them) I love how the media has their way of getting their word out about everyone. maybe thats why television shows are also called 'programing' because they have the ability to program our human minds. if u ask a person who votes republican why they dont like ron paul. you would hear something so close to sean hannity from fox.

for the record. McCain is A Rino (Republican In Name Only)
lol. this must b worst rant ive ever posted :(