This Is What I Did!!!


Well-Known Member
is it odd that i have a boner? lol
thats a decent setup youve got there, but your lights are all wrong. i just happen to have exactly what you need. i have 3x26 watt CFLs and a 2' floro i dont need them anymore so ill trade ya.

J/k great job, i hope youll be keeping a detailed grow journal?


Well-Known Member
I have thought about a jurnal.
I am getting my clones ready for the room.
gonna run 25 Auroura Indica 25 NYCD and 25 Strawberry Cough


Well-Known Member
very nice and simple setup my friend. You can use 1 blower thats atleast 250cfm to suck air from the vent. That will also move air around the room like a hurricane also!


Well-Known Member
During the construction of the room I have neglected the girls, so I had to take time with them, I am haveing problems getting the supply fan I want so I wont post pics of that until ready...
I have the last pic of the room. Ready for plants.
Hope yall like.



Well-Known Member
Nice setup. I see you pretty much followed that video on YouTube "Growing Marijuana In The Home", or whatever its called. Looks almost exactly like what that blonde surfer looking dude made in the video.


Well-Known Member
Yes this is fashoned after that. I am better at streamlining other ideas, then mastering them myself.
That vid fit in what I had and wanted.
Hope I did them justice.
I just didn't have the money they put into the one they did.
Clones are almost ready. :)


Well-Known Member
is it odd that i have a boner? lol
thats a decent setup youve got there, but your lights are all wrong. i just happen to have exactly what you need. i have 3x26 watt CFLs and a 2' floro i dont need them anymore so ill trade ya.
WTF Happend?????? I've been searching for a post like this for 6 FU*&#@$ hours on this board, I finnally found the Cornbread Mafia Recipe I want, the oven is hot, and there are no cookies!!!!!!!! Bake us some cookies!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha ...yea such an incredible piece of work...then....nuthin.....makes you wonder....just decided to go quiet? sumthin else.......real profess job thought to start! :blsmoke:
WTF Happend?????? I've been searching for a post like this for 6 FU*&#@$ hours on this board, I finnally found the Cornbread Mafia Recipe I want, the oven is hot, and there are no cookies!!!!!!!! Bake us some cookies!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think he got quiet.....I would have started gettin nervous too... at that point...everything was still "legal".....


Well-Known Member
yea...its like the loud voices of one other monstrous gro on here...if I was doing sumthin like that I'd be laying low...but I suppose with just a plant or two....I am less concerned.


Well-Known Member
I looked at every decent thread in this whole category~ looking for the nuts and bolts how to's on rooms just like that...was thinking of renting a trailer out in the sticks come april, and becoming a farmer. Wondering on hydro systems that large, it would seem for a large scal production, my little DWC tubs wouldnt be efficient. If anyone can point in the right direction....any threads you remember???


Well-Known Member
Just cause I am not talking Doesn't mean I am not around.
So what is up guys?
You seem interested in the room.Yes it is going very strong and yes that is the reason I am not screaming about it.


Well-Known Member
pencap there are 26 cookies in the oven.
9 Aurora Indica
6 Oarnge bud
2 Ice
and 9 Lowrider #2


Well-Known Member
How are your ICE plants? I've got two germinating right now as I type, to replace two of my
"weaker" Afhani that just are not measuring up to the rest~ put the two on "Death row" yesterday with a stern warning they were to be replaced.....looked in this morning and swear they got the message....looks like they exploded over night.....
Now I'm at a delima...keep em or trash them and start the Ice, which is why I placed the seed order in the first place....the Afghani were freebies....

So DMG, you were gearing up for 75 "plots" are you gonna fill all that in with clones/cuttings from what you have "cooking" right now?
Are ya doing soil, or hydro? I was talking to another guy with an Ice grow outdoors and his plant was 9 feet tall!!!! Would sure like to see some more pics/updates!!!