This Is What I Use. This Is My Results


Well-Known Member
your camera is not doing justice peeps can see in the cola shots, gnarly!

What you mean flush for 7 days then water and no light for what? I am confused C



Well-Known Member
hi choempi

what im gunna do is for the last week (7 days) im gunna give them only water (flush)
but for them 7 days im going to use a UV bulb with the HPS (UV light attacks the plant. in turn the plant makes more trics)
then after them 7 days of (flush/UV) im going to not water them and leave them in the dark for another 2 days (again making the trics go crazy

hope this helps m8


Well-Known Member
why waste the most productive time playing games?

Flush max 3 days, and the UV, you know anything about it?

Peeps only use it a few peak hours like the last 2 weeks, as a supplement only...


Well-Known Member
hi again choempi

no m8 i dont no a great deal on the UV. only what ive been reading
also with the flush i have read allsorts m8. some say one thing others say another.
i do use non-organic nutes but im very open to opinion. as i said its my first ever grow
and i want to get as much info as pos so i can have another good grow next time.
then what i find didnt work this time i can change next time round.

the 3 day flush sounds good to me i been reading things like farmers dont flush at all and other stuff
so ill try that

cheers again m8

Brick Top

New Member
and the UV, you know anything about it?

Peeps only use it a few peak hours like the last 2 weeks, as a supplement only...

Why? In nature in areas with the most UV-B light plants will develop more trichomes early in flower and they will produce more resin and increased amounts of THC. Tests have been performer where plants grown from clones were planted at different elevations and in different areas and at higher elevations, where there is more UV-B light rays, and in areas where there are more UV-B light rays the plants, which were all the same, all grown from clones, developed more trichomes and higher percentages of THC. That being the case why in the wide, wide world of sports would anyone wait until the last two weeks to use UV-B lighting and then for only short periods of time?

To much UV-B light will cause plant/leaf fading, but then too much light in general can cause bleaching too, but why not attempt to achieve a balance like nature so you see increased amounts of trichome creation and development earlier in flower and have more trichomes creating cannabinoids rather than wait until the last two weeks and only try to pump up the lesser amount of trichomes plants will have?

I never understand the mindset of just because buds bulk up the most in the final weeks that it is best to wait until then to do what would be beneficial all throughout flowering. Virtually everything that is known, or just believed, to increase bud size and THC development is always said to be done in the final weeks. Why? If it causes increased bud growth and development and or increased levels of THC why wait until the final weeks to begin doing it? Just because most; "Peeps only use it a few peak hours like the last 2 weeks, as a supplement only?"



Well-Known Member
hi brick top
ty for posting and ty for the info and food for thought +rep

i agree with what u said.
i think it would make a great diffrence to use during flower rather than just the final stage
and ill even put it to the test on my next grow as then ill have something to compare with

cheers again m8

Brick Top

New Member
also how do you think there looking all?
Most of the pictures seem to have been taken under HPS lighting and it is always difficult to pick certain things out, to spot colors/discoloration etc. in that type of lighting but from what I could see it appear that you have done well.

Brick Top

New Member
Like skunkmunkie said, from the point where the trich's turn milky on, it's really a matter of high preference than anything.
That is true, to a point anyway, and only if you do not take into consideration when peak potency/highest levels of THC is reached.Amber trichomes may give someone a buzz they prefer but it comes at the cost of reduced potency/lost THC. Amber color is a sign of THC that has oxidized and turned into CBN. If that is someone's preference, then that is what they should aim for, but that preference does cost them lost/degraded THC so it really is a bit more than preference alone.


Well-Known Member
ty again for the post brick top
its a real pain. my grow room is a shed:wall:
so i got to pick my moments to go in and out:roll:
and its hard to carry a bush indoors without neighbours seeing:leaf::shock:
i guess its time for a new cam:clap:


Active Member
as brick top said about uv i think best way is to set on timer from the second week in veg to come on for a few hours a day, as you get into 4 week of flower start to decrease to about 2 hours or 1 1/2 hours a day, only saying as during veg the summer nights are long there fore more uv-b, an come end of summer/early autum days decrease ie shorter uv-b times, best to simulate mother nature best you can but as bricky said about too much exposure is not a god thing, ps dont forget to feed molasses an pure water during flush sweet buds i think it helps when you do 2-3 darkness thing, as far as i aware they dont feed at night oh yeah lovely fat chunky girls sorry ladies


Well-Known Member
hi N.T.D
cheers for that m8 i think there looking good aswell:hump:
i just dun what you said to do last time..

i just cut a little sample of the plant. a tiny little :leaf:leaf:leaf: at top of bud cola
as an attempt to get some tric shots in good light still a bit of a /fail lol:lol:
but getting better SLOWLY8-)

tric s2.jpgtric s1.jpg

Brick Top

New Member
ps dont forget to feed molasses an pure water during flush sweet buds i think it helps when you do 2-3 darkness thing, as far as i aware they dont feed at night oh yeah lovely fat chunky girls sorry ladies
Unless someone is using true organic soil, what some call 'living soil,' using molasses is pretty much a waste of time and money. Molasses feeds the living organisms in organic soil and not actually the plants themselves. If someone is using a soil that was heated to high temperature to kill any possible weed seeds in it and treated with pesticides to kill off any possible critters or their eggs that pretty much kills off the living organisms in the soil too and if that is the case molasses will not be really be of much, if any, benefit.

But if using true organic soil there is no reason to wait until the final weeks to use molasses. If you have living organisms in your soil you might as well feed them from day one.

I was unsure what the; " i think it helps when you do 2-3 darkness thing" part meant but if it was about an extended period of darkness before harvest .... check out the following.

"The Stichting Institute of Medical marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden.

One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.SIMM’s growers separated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for 72 hours before cutting and drying. Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen an increase of THC of up to 30%, while CBD and CBN remained the same."


Well-Known Member
That is true, to a point anyway, and only if you do not take into consideration when peak potency/highest levels of THC is reached.Amber trichomes may give someone a buzz they prefer but it comes at the cost of reduced potency/lost THC. Amber color is a sign of THC that has oxidized and turned into CBN. If that is someone's preference, then that is what they should aim for, but that preference does cost them lost/degraded THC so it really is a bit more than preference alone.

I understand what your saying here. Guess it's at the cost of thc to the benefit of cbn (still kinda seems like a matter of prefernce tho lol)

hi N.T.D
i just cut a little sample of the plant. a tiny little :leaf:leaf:leaf: at top of bud cola
as an attempt to get some tric shots in good light still a bit of a /fail lol:lol:
but getting better SLOWLY8-)

View attachment 1424726View attachment 1424727
LOTS OF TRICHS ON THOSE LEAVES! Man, I bet that bud's gonna be good!

Unless someone is using true organic soil, what some call 'living soil,' using molasses is pretty much a waste of time and money. Molasses feeds the living organisms in organic soil and not actually the plants themselves. If someone is using a soil that was heated to high temperature to kill any possible weed seeds in it and treated with pesticides to kill off any possible critters or their eggs that pretty much kills off the living organisms in the soil too and if that is the case molasses will not be really be of much, if any, benefit.
Glad I read this. I was fixin to start using some dry molasses I had from last summer. Didn't know it's actually for feeding the organisms in the soil and not the plants. Good info as always Bricktop!

I was unsure what the; "i think it helps when you do 2-3 darkness thing" part meant but if it was about an extended period of darkness before harvest .... check out the following.

"The Stichting Institute of Medical marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden.One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.SIMM’s growers separated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for 72 hours before cutting and drying. Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen an increase of THC of up to 30%, while CBD and CBN remained the same."
My wife told me about this technique the year before last. I figured she had learned it from someone I probably didn't care to know about so we didn't discuss it much further than her casually mentioning it. But now I've read it on here on several occasions PLUS this post w/ verifiable results ^^^ make me ashamed for being such a jealous fucker! lmao. DEf. gonna do a 3 day dark period for my indoor from now on!
Thanks for that info Bricktop! I know you don't care (lol) but I'm reppin u for it cause it's info like that that deserves it!!!
You can re-introduce microbes into the soil by using fresh vermi-compost or vermi-tea.
The microbes whould help break down any inorganic nutrients in the soil and help the plant take it up


Well-Known Member
Why? In nature in areas with the most UV-B light plants will develop more trichomes early in flower and they will produce more resin and increased amounts of THC. Tests have been performer where plants grown from clones were planted at different elevations and in different areas and at higher elevations, where there is more UV-B light rays, and in areas where there are more UV-B light rays the plants, which were all the same, all grown from clones, developed more trichomes and higher percentages of THC. That being the case why in the wide, wide world of sports would anyone wait until the last two weeks to use UV-B lighting and then for only short periods of time?

To much UV-B light will cause plant/leaf fading, but then too much light in general can cause bleaching too, but why not attempt to achieve a balance like nature so you see increased amounts of trichome creation and development earlier in flower and have more trichomes creating cannabinoids rather than wait until the last two weeks and only try to pump up the lesser amount of trichomes plants will have?

I never understand the mindset of just because buds bulk up the most in the final weeks that it is best to wait until then to do what would be beneficial all throughout flowering. Virtually everything that is known, or just believed, to increase bud size and THC development is always said to be done in the final weeks. Why? If it causes increased bud growth and development and or increased levels of THC why wait until the final weeks to begin doing it? Just because most; "Peeps only use it a few peak hours like the last 2 weeks, as a supplement only?"
great post Brick, I should have said that in the few well documented grows I have read useing UV, they were using it at a certain time in flower and for certain times on and off and not continuously, for reasons having to do with the arc of the sun at certain lattitudes. Way over my pay grade, and I admit uv is the last thing I personally am trying, due to other factors coming first. UV seems to me a tweak, worthy of discussion but not many peeps are showing the deal. Tahoe58 is the grow I remember as being full of hard research on UV, he was in a budbox I think, and the UV gave him some heat issues, him being in OZ making heat a constant issue.


Well-Known Member
any one have any idea on how far from plants the UV needs to be/how many hours its on etc!!

any help great ty ;)

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by creaster any one have any idea on how far from plants the UV needs to be/how many hours its on etc!!

any help great ty

dude I put a link in my last post, that thread has the nuts and bolts of it...
To add something to that ... UV lighting is like any other lighting. There are different wattages and intensities and spectrum ranges and how one is best used would not mean another would be best used in the same way.