karri0n, if the Bible was objectively true, like Christians say it is, then why would people change what they believe is right and wrong with the times? Wouldn't what is right and wrong stay the same all throughout time? Why was it considered to be OK during the time the Bible was written to kill homosexuals? Why is that not considered to be OK today?
Never once did I claim the bible is objectively true.
Do you see any Muslims in this thread? I don't. How bout any Scientologists? No? Buddhists?... Hindu's? No?
Just Christians and atheists.
I don't address EVERYTHING else because I don't have time to. Don't get me wrong, they're all equally as illogical. The thing is, and feel free to pass this around to all the other religious people who simply can't grasp this concept, we live in a country that is dominated by Christians. Why do you find it surprising that that is what atheists would talk about most often? Christian dogma directly affects my life in the United States for both good and bad. I'm not affected by Islamic dogma, I'm not forced to live by Sharia law, if I was I would be criticizing it just as harshly. Pretty easy to understand right?
OK. Your biggest problem is with Christianity because it affects you. That's fine and good, except that for most of this thread you've been speaking directly to me, and every one of your points have been about Christianity. I never once stated Christianity is the right way, and I've denounced the Christian dogma repeatedly. You know my stance on fundamentalism yet you continue to bring up the same points.

It's not the fact that science and education are the first things to get discarded in a childs mind when their parents tell them about their religion.. Nah, couldn't be that...
Please elaborate on how teaching a child meditation or mythology cause science and education to leave a child's mind. Last I knew, they have college courses for mythology, and you can acquire a doctorate in it. Or is this not "true" education?
It's not that billions of people throughout human history have been slaughtered because of a fairy tale... Naaah...
This is the result of tyranny, not spirituality.
It isn't because every single hashed and rehashed version of the same story doesn't make one fucking iota of sense...
The message and the lesson aren't lost simply because the mythology contains sensationalism. Mythology is supposed to be fanciful - that is how it keeps people's attention. It was never meant to be taken literally, even in ancient Greece. Don't even think about replying that some Christians teach that scripture should be taken literally. They are wrong and I've covered that multitple times.
I don't like organized religion because a girl turned me down because I'm not religious.
I know. We covered that.
Reading any of my posts, seriously, how the hell could you come to that conclusion and be serious about it?? I don't understand.
In much the same way that you still are claiming that I'm Christian and that there are only Christians and Atheists in this thread.
This is what you don't understand about being an atheist, because you aren't one yourself. It's a choice you make for yourself. Not for anyone else. There really is no "choice" about it because it's just a default position to take in light of absent evidence of a claim.
What, exactly, is it that you think I don't understand? I'm serious on this, please elaborate. I was raised as an atheist; an ACTUAL atheist, not an agnostic. I've been in the exact same position as you - I debated with my boss repeatedly on the nature of spirituality, repeatedly stating everything she said was a pile of bullshit. It wasn't until I truly looked objectively at the evidence and dropped my pre-conceived notions and arrogance that I started to really see the world for what it is. Being a skeptic is only halfway following logic. There is plenty of evidence out there for just how important spirituality is to the human experience, and ignoring it and counting only on something that can be explained with math and statistics is equally as arrogant and ignorant as blindly following scripture. You've never been exposed to anything truly spiritual or had a spiritual experience, and it's apparent that the reason is that the only spiritual model you've ever seen is Christianity.
Smartest thing you've posted to me yet. I don't say "religion", and never have, because a person practicing their religion at home in private isn't a problem. It becomes a problem when these people get together, organize, and try to make everyone else believe the same things they do.
Bullshit. If this were really your belief you wouldn't be arguing with me in the first place. You want everyone else to be an atheist just like the Christian church wants everyone to be Christian.
Yes it is. Tolerance for other religions is nowhere to be seen in any of them. How bout those ten commandments...
I am the Lord your God
You shall have no other gods before me
As a Christian, you shall have no other gods before Him. If you aren't Christian, you don't need to worry about that. Not every sect of Christianity treats non-christians as the enemy, and you damn well know it. I'll even point out that there are some sects of Christianity that outright do *not* take that particular stance. The Unity Church is a pretty good example. And once again you say "all religions" when you mean "christianity". Fuck off with that.
Meant Christianity, suck my balls.
The Old Testament is Jewish. Keep pulling at straws, though. You'll get somewhere, I'm sure.
Ok, work with me here. I know forming something coherent without anti-christian rhetoric or hate in it is going to be difficult for you. Without referring to the obvious human rights issues and disinformation of the three major religions(since you already know my stance on this), give me some valid reasons why teaching people about spirituality, meditation, prayer, and gleaning life lessons from religious mythology(such as do unto others, resist tyranny, don't seek power as power corrupts) is something negative and something to be resisted and fought against. I want a reason that religion and spirituality IN GENERAL are negative things, not "well the Roman Emperor used it as an excuse to do this or that" - If not for religion he would have found another reason to commit these acts of atrocity.