This is Why I Carry a Weapon !

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Every heard of the Second Amendment ? yeah.. that shit is untouchable by law.. silly how we forget.
unfortunately it's totally "touchable". (around here anyway) convicted felons cannot have a permit, people diagnosed with certain types of mental conditions are denied permits, and of the rest of the law abiding citizens, the local police chief gets to pick and choose who gets a permit based on whatever the fuck he wants. nobody in my city is ever issued a class a unless they're leo. it may say "shall not be infringed" but that's not how it always plays out.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
unfortunately it's totally "touchable". (around here anyway) convicted felons cannot have a permit, people diagnosed with certain types of mental conditions are denied permits, and of the rest of the law abiding citizens, the local police chief gets to pick and choose who gets a permit based on whatever the fuck he wants. nobody in my city is ever issued a class a unless they're leo. it may say "shall not be infringed" but that's not how it always plays out.
See that is the start of the misinformation, when you apply for anything such as permits you are giving up your inalienable rights, by signing a contract, simple as that, your right to bear arms is just that, your right, which can only be surrendered if you allow it to be.

Edit: Yeah it may be slightly different as it is kind of difficult to acquire a sidearm in the UK, seems you need to know people.:roll:


Well-Known Member
i'm just curious here. what happens if your licensed for a concealed weapon and MMJ if you shoot and kill someone when baked?
Actually your possing a firearm while commiting a felone.
What really sucks is we can't trust our government enough to give up our guns and trust the government will protect us and also no take away the REST of our rights that our for fathers gave us.


Well-Known Member
We're taking the M 1's out back later,the ammos expensive but I can't resist.,I can shoot forever before reloading. I have the fold-in stock too, it's fun. Tonights target will be 300 ensure cans ( I only get about $12 at the scrap yard before I shoot 'em...I'll see what I get from whats left)...and two 50 gallon drums that are pissing me their dead. And I'll end the night with a few .44's ( expensive now too, fuck me) a small coors keg, when it's empty.
NOTE TO KIDS...never drink and shoot, or shoot and drink...or play with guns...and if you do, always look straight down the barrel first to make sure it's not loaded.