This is why you case


Well-Known Member
I have been giving advice here for a long time. I figure I should actually prove my creds rather than simply scold people for not casing or using PF tek. This is the way you should grow mushrooms - orchstrated flushes.

This is 8 inches of finely chopped straw, 10 percent popcorn spawn cased to 2 inches with 50/50 fine coir/coarse vermiculite.

This was incubated in the dark and when the casing was just short of surfacing placed in a chamber with12/12 light, and three fresh air exchanges an hour with 92 percent humid air.

The temperature was brought to 73 degrees for 3 days and then allowed to rise to 80 for the final push. This is an isolate of an amazonian strain.

This was grown in a single 14 inche by 12 inch tub lined with a trash bag (the best way to keep things in the dark).

This tub yielded another three flushes, the first only three days after this one.


Well-Known Member
do you have the tub inside a martha?

how does popcorn compare to rye? people are telling me it colonizes slower.

anyways you sir. know what your doing.


Well-Known Member
Rye, when properly hydrated is the best. The only reason rye colonizes faster is because the kernels are smaller.


Well-Known Member
Rye, when properly hydrated is the best. The only reason rye colonizes faster is because the kernels are smaller.
Your standard method is popcorn, unless I missed something.
Yet you say rye (when properly hydrated) is the best.
Which means you've chosen for some reason that is not related to colonization time.
Please let me know your thinking on this and why corn over rye.



Well-Known Member
Your standard method is popcorn, unless I missed something.
Yet you say rye (when properly hydrated) is the best.
Which means you've chosen for some reason that is not related to colonization time.
Please let me know your thinking on this and why corn over rye.


IF you are going to case spawn - popcorn is your best bet. If you are going to do do a complemented spawn - where you want lots of nutrient in your substrate you can do what is known as "super spawning" - usually super spawning includes the concomitant use of dry corn meal spread 5 to 20 percent in your pasteurized straw. This is sort of like using malt extract in your boiling solution for your grain - it amps up the speed and gives you huge first flushed (like the ones in the picture) but you pay a price because the mycelium heats up A LOT and if you are incapable of controlilng that you will lose the whole thing - especially when you do deep beds - over 4 inches. Anyway, you can avoid some of this and still get the benifit from the corn by using corn as the spawn and doing a realy heavy spawn to substrate ratio.

Beyond that, lots of people can't seem to find rye - I really don't know why.

So far as colonization time - it is suspected that the longer the colonization - everything else being equal - the stronger the mushroom, I subscribe to that theory.

I have used every grain you can imagine - from spelt to triticale, rice to quinoa and rye leaves the least residue, it bursts late and retains lots of moisture, the kernels remain separate and the ph is about perfect. Popcorn is eaiser to use, never gets mushy, it is eaiser to find, slightly cheaper. of course there are fewer innoc points but in straw that hardly matters and as I said, you want the extra nutrients in this case. I suppose it would be best in coir as well.


Well-Known Member
Your standard method is popcorn, unless I missed something.
Yet you say rye (when properly hydrated) is the best.
Which means you've chosen for some reason that is not related to colonization time.
Please let me know your thinking on this and why corn over rye.

And now I know better.

Thanks canndo.
I've got multiple jars of both popcorn and rye (been using rye for years, I like it, but always willing to try something else), knocked up with the same GLC, and I LOVE the popcorn as compared to the rye.

The popcorn took 2 hours of prep (low boil until hydrated), the rye a day (simmer, soak, simmer/quick low boil).

The popcorn has the PERFECT hydration with no effort, the rye, oh, wet, dry, just right, maybe.

The popcorn colonizes better, with more space for airflow between the kernels, and no standing water/bottom corner mushes.

The popcorn breaks apart and shakes easily, VS the rye that loves to stick and needs to be SLAMMED.

The speed and penetration level of kernel to kernel innoc is quicker because there are less kernels to "find" and more space on each kernel to receive a bit of myc to start it off.

There is less chance of a stray non-inoculated kernel making it to the substrate step.

I f'ing love popcorn.


Well-Known Member
And now I know better.

Thanks canndo.
I've got multiple jars of both popcorn and rye (been using rye for years, I like it, but always willing to try something else), knocked up with the same GLC, and I LOVE the popcorn as compared to the rye.

The popcorn took 2 hours of prep (low boil until hydrated), the rye a day (simmer, soak, simmer/quick low boil).

The popcorn has the PERFECT hydration with no effort, the rye, oh, wet, dry, just right, maybe.

The popcorn colonizes better, with more space for airflow between the kernels, and no standing water/bottom corner mushes.

The popcorn breaks apart and shakes easily, VS the rye that loves to stick and needs to be SLAMMED.

The speed and penetration level of kernel to kernel innoc is quicker because there are less kernels to "find" and more space on each kernel to receive a bit of myc to start it off.

There is less chance of a stray non-inoculated kernel making it to the substrate step.

I f'ing love popcorn.
Wait until you see the yield difference when you spawn to... anything.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love popcorn. You can also eat it while watching movies. Who woulda thunk it? Or just eat the shrooms while watching movies. Just a slightly different effect.


Well-Known Member
grains are the best.. ive been playing around with my bulks lol
i tried to spawn to trim. :mrgreen: instead of straw, let it dry out and tried it.. i also read someone used dried grass and it worked, so i tried the trim in a small little tupperware and one pint jar of spawn. pasturized it in boiling water.

contammed in 2 days