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In the UK first it was glass in your weed now its metal shavings to weigh it down more
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahahawow no wonder y people from the u.k. are idiots
I just recently discovered there was such a thing as grit weed I'm in the us and i've always wondered about the wet extra sticky not so potent bags i've boughten looks good taste weird, burns weird, and doesn't feel impressive at all schwag high and that's because shwag weighs less and and is way less potent ass we all know so schwag is usually what's sprayed, not to say there aren't greedy people out there who got to get that extra gram off every 1/4 and then there's the people who suck so bad at either getting or growing the fine herb we all know as ganja and due to it's poor quality they spray it with chemicals anything they can get their hands such as : pinesole,(gives chemmy lemmy smell) windex( i don't even know how this turns out just herd of it) and i'm sure there are many others like febreeze thats one i forgot. Ever since i got into growing i bought a microscope and i check out my shit every time trust no one not even your buds, look first trust later. This is the only way to ensure you're not smoking any bullshit and i'm sure it's probably not 100 percent as it can be hard to see the spray look for drops that are not related to trichs. you'll spot grit weed in an instant under the scope you'll see trichs covered with lumps sorta like parmesean,this i know from research after i stumbled upon a grit weed vid on youtube,thank god for youtube and sites like this,i bought one bag from a buddy who is not too wise of all this and notice it was dusted with something not sure what didn't taste bad but weird,smell bad, or give me a headache, but I could tell by the way it taste and dust in the bag it was tampered with i told him and he confronted his guy who denied anything we both dropped him off our list of love. Be careful, be observent, and if yo weed don't smell like weed than don't buy it,and if you have any suspiscions confront your dude worst case scenario you beet his ass and get your money back, best case he admits his stupidity, replaces your shit with real shit, gives your money back and you still beat his ass for trying to cross yougreed kills.
I've heard of fiberglass, suger water, coca cola, sand and even silica, that stuff in a bag when you buy shoes to keep out damp.
alot of imported weed gets sprayed before it hits our streets, and as it works it's way down the line it gets more spray.
I remember a few years back that even the national news was warning people of the risk of grit weed.
WTF? If I ever found out that I bought a bad that was sprayed with anything, that would be followed by an ass kicking.Yea its very sad but true, i think i've only bought about three or four bags in the last few years that havnt been sprayed!
O HOLY SHIT. Now that is a fucked up chronic story, good to see you moved past it. I know it wasn't my fault but I feel like I gotta say sorry man.In my neck of the woods its all about silica or lead. One burns little holes in your lungs and the other will make you stupid.
Smoked with a few times with friends when I was like 14 and decided i needed to buy my own bag. Said bag was laced with PCP and I ended up frying balls with a buddy after we had snuck out of the house. Didnt smoke for a few years after that evening.
i carnt say im the most pro-american not so much the people but definatly the goverment!wow no wonder y people from the u.k. are idiots