This just says it all... doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
I have never had a passion for anything like I do for growing ganja... I just love it and would do it all day every day if I could! I will perfect my techniques to the point where I would blow a lot of minds! The day is upon this Country for a mass movement of cannabis cultivation, spread like cigarette butts on the streets!

Courtesy of Thrax!


Well-Known Member
I have never had a passion for anything like I do for growing ganja... I just love it and would do it all day every day if I could! I will perfect my techniques to the point where I would blow a lot of minds! The day is upon this Country for a mass movement of cannabis cultivation, spread like cigarette butts on the streets!

Courtesy of Thrax!

lmfao.. I was just telling my friend that yesteray as we were enjoying the premature fruits of my labor which turned out to be excellent.. guess i'll see you at the top?


Well-Known Member
lol.... yeah... I just can't get over it yah know? Every where I go I am looking for the most optimum places to put plants where the will grow the best... Everywhere man, like the cops front yards, by the grass at the library, in school gardens, at the fairgrounds, everywhere on the side of the road, and one of the places that I think is best for growing pot would be the center dividers in the streets.... indeed I want to flood all the center dividers in my area with plants to see how they do!


Active Member
Wild Marijuana! It seems a little early to me, but annual hunt for feral hemp is on in the American midwest and stories are popping up in the local papers. In Iowa Scott County officials hunt for wild, illegal plants. "Every year, they cut down and burn between 15,000 and 20,000 wild marijuana plants ranging from 4 inches to 10 feet in height." Sheriff Dennis Conard said "That's a lot of wild marijuana," he added. "This is remnants of 50 years ago." The author of the story did note that "Growing cannabis plants, of either the hemp or marijuana varieties, is illegal in the United States." It's nice to see the distinction made between the different varieties. --- The hemp report

I think we should make their job harder and spread more seeds. What could they do if it was growing in every open field there is?


Well-Known Member
Exactly my point.... the more there are the more they will miss! Ok, look, this is how I look at it. The law enforcement agencies are all very well organized, the pot community is lacking major on that, and people are afraid to network together with open and clear lines of communication... but these forums provide an excellent way to generally discuss activities that increase the well being of the cannabis community, delivering more hope to its members, and procreating ideas such as these.... the next steps are getting out and actually doing our part in the real world! Im game though for sure... can do my part no problem.... Time to start that jonny potseed movement.... gunna contact some seed banks that I think may be interested some time....