This juust in. Mass exodus of californians


Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is Bush was a good President?

I agree with some of what you're saying, but you insinuate he was a great President, which he was not.

I somewhat feel bad for him, a little.
I'll stand up for Bush. Carter and Obama are probably two of the brightest presidents ever but did and willdo more damage to the country than any one can imagine. Reagan and Bush have been constantly ridiculed but might be considered great leaders 50 years fromnow.

Everyone has heard the list of the Bush haters rants but consider an alternative view point. (All politicla discourse should be comparative) I predict Bush will get credit for defeating radical islam. The attacks on the US were meant to be symbolic in a sense. Osama wanted to get a PR victory by attacking our financial centers. Bush went after the most powerful country in the mid east aqnd wiped out their military capability in a couple of days. IMO this kept the islamic movement in other countries in check and strengthened our allies.

Another interesting thought. I think Bush advanced our war fighting capabilty in a technological sense. Electronic warfare, pilotless drones, vehicles, tactics etc. We have learned much from the war and as a result we are stronger and safer.


New Member
Check out some vid's of obama without his teleprompter if you want to laugh at Bush.

Wicked you went from good to great before you even finished your post...:lol:

Bush made mistakes, I am one of his detractors in that respect, but the mistakes made were all in the spirit of keeping you and I SAFE. I cannot fault him for that.

His biggest mistakes were at home, not abroad. He let Congress basically off scot free and it has cost us dearly. I also didn't agree to the stipend for GM in his last few months...let those bastards fail....


Well-Known Member
For my 100th post i would like to suggest we meet in FDD's back yard, under the trees and discuss this further.


Well-Known Member
Check out some vid's of obama without his teleprompter if you want to laugh at Bush.

Wicked you went from good to great before you even finished your post...:lol:

Bush made mistakes, I am one of his detractors in that respect, but the mistakes made were all in the spirit of keeping you and I SAFE. I cannot fault him for that.

His biggest mistakes were at home, not abroad. He let Congress basically off scot free and it has cost us dearly. I also didn't agree to the stipend for GM in his last few months...let those bastards fail....
Wasn't Bush handed information relating to an imminent terrorist attack in the US?

Most of Fahrenheit 9/11 is pretty despicable, that is if most of it is fact.


New Member
Wasn't Bush handed information relating to an imminent terrorist attack in the US?

Most of Fahrenheit 9/11 is pretty despicable, that is if most of it is fact.

Mike moore is a joke joke joke, and a bad one at that.

No, 9/11 caught everyone by surprise, but then again, the CIA had been gutted by Clinton so that's not a shock.

All kinds of bad stuff happens in secret, we can't know everything.


Well-Known Member
Mike moore is a joke joke joke, and a bad one at that.

No, 9/11 caught everyone by surprise, but then again, the CIA had been gutted by Clinton so that's not a shock.

All kinds of bad stuff happens in secret, we can't know everything.
Well what about Sicko?

Most of that is true and I don't need my own opinion to understand that.


Well-Known Member
If i ever run into michael moore.
He had better run.
I am not a very violent person.anymore.
But the twisted crap he spewed in his movie.
He came off as an american hater.
I would like to toxic waltz on his head.
Kick your freind in the head and have a ball.


New Member
Well what about Sicko?

Most of that is true and I don't need my own opinion to understand that.

Sicko can be picked apart even easier than 9/11 F.

Look that Mike Moron simply gathers negative INDIVIDUAL anecdotal data and strings them together to make it look awful. the US has the FINEST health care in the world. If the costs are too high it is because the GOVT. makes it that way. Call off the lawyers and pull the red tape out and be amazed!

When I was a kid, I can remember my doc's office had one nurse, and one gal answering the phones, and that was it. If you go today, you'd think you are at the DMV.... that's where the costs are....


Well-Known Member
Sicko can be picked apart even easier than 9/11 F.

Look that Mike Moron simply gathers negative INDIVIDUAL anecdotal data and strings them together to make it look awful. the US has the FINEST health care in the world. If the costs are too high it is because the GOVT. makes it that way. Call off the lawyers and pull the red tape out and be amazed!

When I was a kid, I can remember my doc's office had one nurse, and one gal answering the phones, and that was it. If you go today, you'd think you are at the DMV.... that's where the costs are....
Exactly, at the fucking DMV.

I have to literally wait 6 hrs to see anyone, including the girl next to me crying in agony as she is clenching her stomach.

Most other countries, from what I understand, can actually get operations and procedures done at almost nothing, and with minimal waiting.

Bossman: Why, you hate Michael Moore because he's anti-american? If anything, he's using the given right to be an American, freedom of speech. He's actually out there TRYING to change things, he might be more American than any of us here.

All he is trying to do is unveil the truth in front of us all. Listen, I'm a skeptic as well, but I'm not going to believe he got all those hundreds of people in Sicko and F 9/11 to lie on film about such serious matters.


Well-Known Member
Bossman: Why, you hate Michael Moore because he's anti-american? If anything, he's using the given right to be an American, freedom of speech. He's actually out there TRYING to change things, he might be more American than any of us here.

All he is trying to do is unveil the truth in front of us all. Listen, I'm a skeptic as well, but I'm not going to believe he got all those hundreds of people in Sicko and F 9/11 to lie on film about such serious matters.



Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why such hate, he's from one of the worst ghettos in the entire country and makes documentaries to OPEN AMERICANS EYES. He is from Columbine, he knows we need better gun control and better health insurance, he's been there.

Hate monger? It's better to have hate and ACT than to just sit around and let it continue!

If he really hated America, he would leave and enjoy his life somewhere else. He loves America and his home, that's why he's trying to change it through being critical. You won't get the message if someone taps you on the back and says, "Excuse me, health care is poopy in this country. Disagree?" Ok I won't show you the negatives and other people in other countries explaining fact about their systems vs ours.

Listen, all I'm saying is you can't call him anti-American for using more rights than most Americans today. He wants to show you how twisted we really are and how we just nonstop "push things under the rug" to just let it go another year or two.

This is the basic American view:

Need info on the Iraq war? Let's go to Fox news.
Need someone to blame for Columbine? Let's go to Marilyn Manson and other nonsensical bullshit instead of just asking WHAT THE FUCK WERE THE PARENTS DOING?
Is our Health Care really great? Yes! We have lots and lots of gadgets and money going to our hospitals, but we just charge it right back 2 folds to the patient, so he can spend his life savings (401k) paying for surgery!

Michael Moore, in my opinion, is just trying to open our eyes. Bring back what true patriotism meant, not ignorant Fox News' supporter douchbags slabbing bumper stickers saying, "WE REMEMBER!", when they didn't even have a shred of patriotism or love for the US before 9/11.

It's fucking disgusting and despicable, yet Michael Moore is the anti-American when he had been trying to aid and change things well before 9/11?


Well-Known Member
Gun control is a joke.
The parents are te control that could have stopped.
Not to blame them. It takes a community to raise kids.
I dont even own a gun.
But the idea of gun control terrifys me.
Michael moore made movies for money. Not for americans.


Well-Known Member
Gun control is a joke.
The parents are te control that could have stopped.
Not to blame them. It takes a community to raise kids.
I dont even own a gun.
But the idea of gun control terrifys me.
Michael moore made movies for money. Not for americans.
K whatever my comment is obviously obsolete.


Active Member
i agree w/ ya chowda, we as americans need to open our eyes, and look at the big pic., me personally, i dont want to be government owned and operated. so i try to see all sides of every story.


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why such hate, he's from one of the worst ghettos in the entire country and makes documentaries to OPEN AMERICANS EYES. He is from Columbine, he knows we need better gun control and better health insurance, he's been there.

Hate monger? It's better to have hate and ACT than to just sit around and let it continue!

If he really hated America, he would leave and enjoy his life somewhere else. He loves America and his home, that's why he's trying to change it through being critical. You won't get the message if someone taps you on the back and says, "Excuse me, health care is poopy in this country. Disagree?" Ok I won't show you the negatives and other people in other countries explaining fact about their systems vs ours.

Listen, all I'm saying is you can't call him anti-American for using more rights than most Americans today. He wants to show you how twisted we really are and how we just nonstop "push things under the rug" to just let it go another year or two.

This is the basic American view:

Need info on the Iraq war? Let's go to Fox news.
Need someone to blame for Columbine? Let's go to Marilyn Manson and other nonsensical bullshit instead of just asking WHAT THE FUCK WERE THE PARENTS DOING?
Is our Health Care really great? Yes! We have lots and lots of gadgets and money going to our hospitals, but we just charge it right back 2 folds to the patient, so he can spend his life savings (401k) paying for surgery!

Michael Moore, in my opinion, is just trying to open our eyes. Bring back what true patriotism meant, not ignorant Fox News' supporter douchbags slabbing bumper stickers saying, "WE REMEMBER!", when they didn't even have a shred of patriotism or love for the US before 9/11.

It's fucking disgusting and despicable, yet Michael Moore is the anti-American when he had been trying to aid and change things well before 9/11?

The problem with people like Michael Moore, and like you, is that you think you have some sort of God-given right to interfere in the lives of others. This isn't an American concept, it is nothing more than a modern version of the fallacious "Divine Right of Kings."

Americans are not any one's chatel, and anyone who wants to believe, or act otherwise is Anti-American, and has no idea what principles this nation was founded on.

One of those principles was the right to bear arms for the private citizenry.

The problem isn't guns, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Blaming it on the environment is just a cheep cop out of people that refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and the enablers that don't want to tell them that is in fact their fault they are in the position they are in.


Well-Known Member
i agree w/ ya chowda, we as americans need to open our eyes, and look at the big pic., me personally, i dont want to be government owned and operated. so i try to see all sides of every story.
Thanks man, I'm the same way.

Our government should be afraid of our people, not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I'm the same way.

Our government should be afraid of our people, not the other way around.
Yet, you advocate stripping us of one of the most powerful arguments in our closet, our fire arms. The fact that the private citizenry has their own weapons is probably one of the few things that helps keep the power-mongering imbeciles in D.C. from trying to establish themselves as Kings and Nobility.

If D.C. ever gets to the point where armed insurrection is the only course, I don't want to be with out a firearm. Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.


Well-Known Member
Our government should be afraid of our people, not the other way around



Well-Known Member
The problem with people like Michael Moore, and like you, is that you think you have some sort of God-given right to interfere in the lives of others. This isn't an American concept, it is nothing more than a modern version of the fallacious "Divine Right of Kings."

Americans are not any one's chatel, and anyone who wants to believe, or act otherwise is Anti-American, and has no idea what principles this nation was founded on.

One of those principles was the right to bear arms for the private citizenry.

The problem isn't guns, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Blaming it on the environment is just a cheep cop out of people that refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and the enablers that don't want to tell them that is in fact their fault they are in the position they are in.
I didn't say gun control meant take away guns from any civilian, I just mean buckle it down. I'm in agreement with arms, but come on, that wasn't the fucking point of Bowling for Columbine. His point was stop blaming others for their actions, much like you just said, wasn't it? Everyone and their grandmother hopped on the bandwagon to shun goth rock and hip-hop for the explanation, when deep down inside, they knew it was themselves.

I don't have any "god-given right to interfere with others" and if you knew anything about the history of the United States, that's all we fucking do is interfere with other people's shit!

Torture, invading other countries without declaring anything, un-warranted searches and seizures the list goes on.

Sure, I agree that we have the rights to bare arms and follow the constitution, but why is this the only example we follow?

There are plenty of ways the United States twists the constitution into their own liking. If you're going to underline one part of it, why not the whole thing?

They pick and choose what "rights" we have, when in reality, we have very little.

Watch this:

YouTube - George Carlin -Rights and Privileges

ps:Once again, I'm not for gun control. Just stupid fucks who beat/molest their kids and wonder why they went off the deep end.

Yet, you advocate stripping us of one of the most powerful arguments in our closet, our fire arms. The fact that the private citizenry has their own weapons is probably one of the few things that helps keep the power-mongering imbeciles in D.C. from trying to establish themselves as Kings and Nobility.

If D.C. ever gets to the point where armed insurrection is the only course, I don't want to be with out a firearm. Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.
Well look at France and other European countries, even Iran (too soon?)! Their people are willing to stand up and fight with words and protest for what they believe in. With the exception of Iran, most countries governments are scared to death of their people, cause they've seen revolutions before. Iran's gvt is slowly realizing the masses are too overwhelming and they can't keep the vote fraud scandal hidden any longer.
