This little guy moved in.


Well-Known Member
He snuck in the grow room somehow. I dont think he will be a problem and he will eat most of any bug. Or does anyone think I should get rid of him.



Well-Known Member
put him out side ther wont be anythink to eat in ther.........he looks hapy dont he?


Well-Known Member
Yea... I'd say keep him in there... but they eat bugs... a decent amount of bugs... and odds are he will get out of there on his own...


Active Member
Lol, took me forever to find him. I thought the exact same thing - a weed plant snuck into his house.

That would be awesome. I wish weed plants would sneak into my house.


Well-Known Member
just talk to him and let him know the rules of the grow room,if you feel comfortable that he will abide by the laws of the plant room,by all means keep him.But be cognizant of the fact that those little buggers have been known to lie,i guess its their features that allow them to get away with it.but from what i could see,he looks to be as honest as they come,i majored in animal psycology at Bush U.


Well-Known Member
What are you fuckin insain... You must be out of your little toasted mind... YOU my good man are a fucking crackpot... That dude is obviously a lieing skeeming son of a bitch who just wants to steal his fcrop... which is why he needs to be contained in a top security holding facility... known as a fishtank...
Feeding him crickets is a good idea like FDD said... But I wouldnt want any crickets runnig around in my house...

I have recently populated Brooklyn with crickets... which have ben long gone... long


Well-Known Member
are you shore he,s not a coper thats smoked to much super skunk? and ternd in to a lizard? like in chech &


Well-Known Member
I'm an avid herpetoculturist. If you want to keep him you could provide mealworms that are smaller (in length) than his head's width. Or, if you're internet savy, you could order some phoenix worms for him ( Those could be kept in dishes if you didn't want to feed it crickets. That's cool that you got a little FL Anole in your grow room. I've been thinking about posting a house gecko or two up in my grow cabinet.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hahaha at first I was like what the fuck? a weed plant snuck into his house and started growing???
hahaah i thought of the same thing...:mrgreen: those are anols and they eat about 2-4 crickets a day or silk worms. they love those:)i dont think he will eat any micro scopic bugs lol. like mites.