This little guy moved in.

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
That's sweet. I'd say feed him some mealworms. I put a male plant in my bearded dragon's tank for awhile, and the crickets destroyed it within a few days. He's a cool lil' fella though. ^_^

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
From: Green Anole Feeding

"Green anoles will eat most small insects. Crickets are easily obtained, and a good source of nutrition for them. They will also take spiders, mealworms or flies.

The anoles should be fed two or three insects each, once every 2 or 3 days. Avoid over feeding them - the insects will get dehydrated, and be of little value to the anoles. Then, when you do introduce fresh insects, they will be too full to eat them.

Water should be provided by misting, as they will not normally drink from bowls. They will lick drops of moisture from plant leaves of from the walls of the terrarium.

To properly metabolize calcium, the anloes need exposure to UVB (ultra violet light). This allows them to covert vitamin D into D3. Without this light, they may develop metabolic bone disease. This light must not be filtered through glass or plastic. Two to four hours a week of bright sunlight is normally enough. If you cannot expose them to the sun, then a suitable lamp should be provided."

Good luck!

You should take more pics. I love lizards. :D


Well-Known Member
That's fucking SWEET! I need to get one of those! I think the only appropriate name would be Sergeant StedAnko after the cop on Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke (Sgt. Stedenko).

Dr High

Well-Known Member
when i was 12 years old i had 2 of those. you know how they ended up dying? i fed them a bowl of meal worms and i guess the anole feel asleep close to the bowl and they ate him... next mo9rning was his carcass lying there.


Well-Known Member
In the pics he does look skinny but what you cant tell is he less than 2 inches long. The guy at the pet store where I bought the crickets said he is very young to be that small.