so i transplanted the other day and its about an inch or half inch from the center of the pot will this matter? also what should my night temps not go below?
yea man and its not dumb to want to learn ive been doing this for 10 years or more and i still ask questions that sound stupid in my own head
U let your nite temps get 45 degrees??????? Do u use an a/c to do this in the summer????Nah that wont matter the slightest, you could of planted your seed literally anywhere in the pot and it would still grow fine. For the temps, most strains will be able to survive in night temps down to 45-50 degrees once they are a few weeks old. In fact, I prefer my night temps to go down into the 50s as it gives your buds a nice purple color, although it does slow down growth a bit. When they are recent sprouts I wouldn't let the temps go below 60.