This may be a stupid question but

Li the g

Active Member
Could you wash the roots and eat them. I have heard that there is still thc in the roots when you harvest and you can hang them upside down so the thc goes into the buds. Im not sure if i believe this but if it was true, if you cut the stem and then take the roots and wash them could you then eat them and get high?


Well-Known Member
you could eat them, i dont think people have tried but why dont you try it out and tell us if you get a little baked


Well-Known Member
Could you wash the roots and eat them. I have heard that there is still thc in the roots when you harvest and you can hang them upside down so the thc goes into the buds. Im not sure if i believe this but if it was true, if you cut the stem and then take the roots and wash them could you then eat them and get high?
noooooooooo!! their is no thc in the roots:lol::lol: the plant roots are the absorbeints for the plant to get its nutes. that it needs. the thc is not devoloped in the roots. if im wrong--sorry--kiss-ass

Li the g

Active Member
o i didnt see that last post lol. i didnt think they would but i wasnt entirely sure if the theory of hanging the plant upside down was true or not. maybe i wont try it then


Well-Known Member
o i didnt see that last post lol. i didnt think they would but i wasnt entirely sure if the theory of hanging the plant upside down was true or not. maybe i wont try it then
you hang them upside down cuz of ( i dont know how to spell this word ) clorefell...i hope you understand what im trying to typr their


Well-Known Member
i could be wrong, i know it makes a chemical reaction in the plant. producing sugar is the end result


Well-Known Member
And I always thought the sugar production was done during curing.

The reason you hang a plant upside down is so the fan leaves can fall down and protect the bud while drying.


Well-Known Member
Ummm if I were to eat roots I'd make sure that shit was very well flushed. You'd be eating all kinds of stuff from the soil and if your soil is like mine its going to taste like earth worms. Good luck though.


Well-Known Member
I guess we must have different tastes as far as food because worms are disgusting. But like I said do what ya gotta do but I doubt the roots will give you even a buzz.


Well-Known Member
i think were all :joint::joint:andbongsmiliebongsmilie right now cuz i just finsihed that p.b and jelly sandwich and louis ate an were just..:blsmoke: and :bigjoint: so its all good...:peace:


Well-Known Member
No THC in the roots. Eating them probably wouldn't kill you, but would taste like a dog's asshole for sure. Not going to get high, though.