This may not even be a problem....


Active Member
I have four sprouts, three are developing nicely. One of them is a little behind though. I am assuming it is just a little behind, since it looks mostly healthy other than that it has not developed it's first leaves besides the seedling leaves.

I have 3 100watt cfls, a 60 watt blue spectrum, 3 fans, mylar lining, lights are inches above the plants, watering on a slow bottle drip with daily supplemental wetting and a very small amount of nutrients. I sing Barry White songs to them as well.

Should I send this little gal to special education? Any experience with this?

I am thinking I will just take care of it and see what happens.

Any thoughts are appreciated. Did not see this topic in any sections.

The pics below show two sprouts which germinated and sprouted at about the same time.

The gimp

Healthier cousin


Active Member

If it develops and flowers I am naming it some sort of Master Shake variant. It is a Master/Cheese seed after all.


Active Member

This little gal just hasn't started growing it's leaves. It seems like it just can't grow.

Should I scrap it and use the space for something germinated? Why waste the light right?

Ideas on what caused this?

Brick Top

New Member
I have four sprouts,

watering on a slow bottle drip with daily supplemental wetting and a very small amount of nutrients.

This is not the reason why you have the Creature from the Black Lagoon’s claw-like sprout but you should not be feeding nutes to such young seedlings. Also unless it is the absolutely slowest of drips they do not need to be watered every day let alone have a semi-constant supply of water given to them. Both of those things could cause you problems.

I sing Barry White songs to them as well.

Why? Are you hoping for mellow weed? Aren’t you afraid that it will turn your male plants gay and if you want to breed your plants they will be disinterested in the female plants and not want to breed with them?

Play some real music for them, something to get them pumped up and in the mood for what they will be doing for you one day. Play Ozzy Osbourne’s "Sweet Leaf" or "Flying High Again." Give them some THC tunes!


Active Member
This is not the reason why you have the Creature from the Black Lagoon’s claw-like sprout but you should not be feeding nutes to such young seedlings. Also unless it is the absolutely slowest of drips they do not need to be watered every day let alone have a semi-constant supply of water given to them. Both of those things could cause you problems.
I stopped the nutes completely for the time being and I water when the soil is dry. The drip is for something else I don't want to have to explain but it IS incredibly slow. I hardly use it though.

Also, I have treated all the plants the same and the others are doing very well.

I'm telling you. My plant is developmentally disabled. I think it needs ritalin.

Why? Are you hoping for mellow weed? Aren’t you afraid that it will turn your male plants gay and if you want to breed your plants they will be disinterested in the female plants and not want to breed with them?

Play some real music for them, something to get them pumped up and in the mood for what they will be doing for you one day. Play Ozzy Osbourne’s "Sweet Leaf" or "Flying High Again." Give them some THC tunes!
It was a joke but to play along I sing Barry White because Barry White's music makes ladies hot and bothered. I have never heard of Gay men loving Barry White, ever. The legend of BW is that his voice makes women get nasty. Haven't you ever seen a stand up comedian before? I am hoping the sweet baritone lullabies will get my plants to open up and show me their soft flowers.

I think that will work significantly better for making my ladies pop than the "ever so appealing" zombie man, Ozzy Osbourne's screaming and Tony Iomi or Randy Rhoads' kickass guitar solos.

Maybe when I want to grow deaf, sterile and incoherent buds I will use Ozzy. Not a bad idea.
