This mofo is crazy!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would of ran his ass over too. Can you imagine what their face must have looked liked? LOL!


Well-Known Member
if that crackhead tried that with me in the car, he would have a 9mm right between his eyes or michelin on his head


Well-Known Member
There was not enough room to run him over.If they would of tried he would have stepped to the side dodging the car and got super pissed.Followed by pulling the people out the car and hitting them with that tire iron instead of them.Or at least through their window.


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing that video a few years back, that's what they get for buying a pt cruiser, gayest cars ever! :P jk that dude's a dick tho, hopefully he od'd shortly after this video.


Active Member
OMFG I would've unleashed the PMS on his ass!!! Holy geez I would've been soooo pissssed!!!! That poor person w/the blue car-- hope they didn't have to pay for the repairs .... expensive shit..:S lol


Well-Known Member
Of course they had to pay for it? Do you think the black dude came forward and was like, hey let me take care of that for ya :P people are just crazy, they love the "don't give a fuck" attitude, which I do too, but i don't go around fucking other peoples stuff up, If i'm going to fuck something up then it's going to be mine, because i'm mad at it lol. :)

nick the sick maniac

Well-Known Member
this clip is from one of the bumfights series. i would of been super pissed if this guy was doing this to my car. i dont have a concealed weapons permit but i still carry my g21 with me sometimes just for this type of shit i also have a bat in my car too. at the very least this guy would have gotten judo thrown to the ground and choked if it was me.


Active Member
haha gaddam.
if i had seen taht going on and i had a gun i woula taken his kneecaps out, then shot him in the throat haha


Active Member
You silly bastards and your guns. Don't you know you can put 3 fingers under the collarbone like your grabbing it and take someone out? Paralyzing. Try it on your friends, it's great. Keep pressure there for more than 30 secs and your dead. Pressure points are a mutha, my sensei taught me well. :) Thats what I woulda done. What a douche.


Well-Known Member
you got a crack head swinging a cro bar at you and you're gonna grab his collarr bone? Get outta here, jet li..... :roll:


Well-Known Member
well first he'll do a spinning bac kic, then go for the collar bone :lol:

shit was funny tho, those people were scared shitless


Active Member
you got a crack head swinging a cro bar at you and you're gonna grab his collarr bone? Get outta here, jet li..... :roll:

Don't knock it till you've tried it bro. Crackhead swinging a crow bar is the least of your worries. You get gun toting maniacs and thats what gets interesting. Go take some classes and repeat your comments. Focus is on disarming and disabling your opponent, practice enough in close quarters and you can take anyone down. Like I said, pressure points are a mutha. I'd be more than happy to give you guys some lessons to prove it. In advanced scenarios I've gotten weapons out of opponents waistbands faster then they could. Sure they're scenarios, but they are the most likely scenarios. Lets not mention avoiding that crackhead with the crowbar in the first place. It's called Dim Mak, look it up and educate yourself.

Matter of fact, I don't know why I explain myself to you 2 jokers. Didn't you get the point in the crush videos thread? Go spew your shit somewhere else, no one here wants to hear it. I make a comment, and you fools come and shit all over it. Piss off.