This morning!!!!!!!

What does that mean?

Nothing really, as the seed formed stress or somthing caused imperfect dna replication and it made a third leaf or broke symetry.

This will correct itself in a node or two normally.

You cant expect a third more plant or bud though, dosent quite work like that :-)
That's a shame, but I should have assumed that was the case.

If I had thought about it more I would have concluded if this was a desirable trait, stoners would have bred this into our trees decades ago
Yea, polyploids.

Dude you are to fresh here to understand the ploidy mj situation. Whereas hemp has and does have this mj is unfortunately different or we could reap some of the benefits.

As such your just going to have to take my word that it wasnt ploidy and keep an open mind to a lot you read here on that subject :-)
Dude you are to fresh here to understand the ploidy mj situation. Whereas hemp has and does have this mj is unfortunately different or we could reap some of the benefits.

As such your just going to have to take my word that it wasnt ploidy and keep an open mind to a lot you read here on that subject :-)

Guessing that's a touchy subject here?

I didn't make the diagnosis because I don't know a whole lot about genetics. It was the guy that taught me to grow. 3 or 4 of them over the years. He used an analogy with strawberries but I don't remember what it was. Told me they were polyploids.

Can you enlighten me? Then maybe I can teach the teacher lol.
Dude you are to fresh here to understand the ploidy mj situation. Whereas hemp has and does have this mj is unfortunately different or we could reap some of the benefits.

As such your just going to have to take my word that it wasnt ploidy and keep an open mind to a lot you read here on that subject :-)
You are absolutely correct. Way too fresh in this. Researching and reading a lot. Trying to ask questions but not really getting too far. I appreciate anything information you can share
You are absolutely correct. Way too fresh in this. Researching and reading a lot. Trying to ask questions but not really getting too far. I appreciate anything information you can share

No one has ever found ploidy or seen its effects in marijuana - its touted here because of the idea it can produce super plants which it does so in melons and pumpkins hence the massive world record varieties.


says just an extra set of chromosomes and gives you a good read but note it says not all plant species.

Hemp yes cannabis no but cannabis has very complex genetics so no one knows for surecwhat it does in some areas like its sex genetics.

If you actually had a ploidy plant you might find you have some ultra rare situation and would instantly be paid millions for them - obviously a gazillion growers and not one documented scientific polyploid.

I can but ramble - in reality its myth stuff just ignore it till the scientific community make a global anouncement and freely share the genetic map for it, stoners smoke too much and embelish weed like its a magic plant that can do everything.

Hope that helps and gives you some confidence to read more on wiki and other plant species ploidy and how they made super plants - all very interesting :-)
You are absolutely correct. Way too fresh in this. Researching and reading a lot. Trying to ask questions but not really getting too far. I appreciate anything information you can share

Some confuse triploidy with three leafed trifoliate plants - wikuli defines them as completely diffeeent things - a lot of the myth comes from trifoliates which isnt ploidy :-)