In my signature link there's a journal of my Miracle Grow. The whole secret of using MG is NOT to add nutrients until they head into 12/12 and depending on strain, use about 1/2 of the recommended dosage until the last 3-4 weeks in 12/12....then go full strength.
I water differently than you, especially in 12/12 where I feed and water every day. I give 1/2 gal to each plant (yes, there's a ton of run-off) and I never get nute-burn or lock-out. For those of you that don't have a a grow-shop around, I prefer nurseries for my nutrients to begin with. I highly recommend JR Peter's stuff (Jacks Classic 20-20-20) and feed 1/2 tspn per gal.....again...every day.
Any of my grows in my signature link reflect what I'm recommending.